03 April 2012

Granville Lake in 1940 Census

This is the 1940 census enumeration for Granvile[sic] R. Lake in Bevier, Macon County, Missouri. The Missouri native was seventy-six years old, with no occupation listed and had attended school through the third grade. He was living in the same as he was in 1935--on number 7 road. The 105 is his household number in order of visitation by the enumerator.

1940 U. S. Census, Missouri, Macon County,City of Bevier , ED 61-1, Sheet 4B, household 105, Granvile R. Lake; digital image, National Archives (http://www.nara.gov : accessed 3 April 2012). That's not quite perfect Evidence Explained form, but I'll clean them up later.