Anyone have any genealogy typos that are especially funny? When wrapping up the next issue of Casefile Clues, I made the mortality census the morality census.
And once upon a time I converted the cavalry to Calvary. (There was even a joke there..."converted").
Any other funny genealogy typos?
Michael John Neill's genealogy website. Things that cross my path, general research suggestions, and whatever else ...with a little bit of attitude. I don't post "news" just to post it, never post a press release (edited or otherwise), don't feign excitement, and pretty much say what I think.
30 April 2012
Elam Blain's Revolutionary War Pension-Getting Organized
October 4th 1847
Elam Blain
Delaware County
"Dear Sir
I take this Opportunity to inform you that Some time Last June I under took to get my mothers pension Catharine Blain the widow of Alam Blain deceased a Pensions of the united States who draw a Pension under act of 18th march 1848 of ninety Six dollars and died on the 22th Day of November 1846 the above Stated old Lady is A Live and..."
I've decided it is time to revisit the 60 page Revolutionary War pension file for Alam/Elam Blain and his wife Catharine. This image is just one of many documents that appears in the file which was obtained digitally on Fold3
Fortunately in this letter, the writer indicates that Catharine is his mother and one could reasonably infer that Elam Blain, the writer, is the son of Elam Blain, the veteran, although this relationship is not directly stated. It has been some time since I have gone through the various pages in the file although I downloaded the entire set of images several years ago.
My first goal is to create a chart summarizing each of the documents. I have started that chart here. The citations are blank as of right now, but I'm going to create a separate citation for each document, using what appears to be its title or purpose as part of the citation. The image numbers are simply an internal reference for me--based upon the file names that they were given as I saved them (which correlate to the image numbers used for them on Fold3
Image Number
Abstract and summary of key
Miscellaneous comments
Cover packet or cover sheet
“Ohio res[ident] in 1818.
4 October 1847 letter from Elam Blain
Mentions father’s death on 22 November 1846. Clearly refers to
Catharine Blain as “mother.” Discusses difficulty of proving mother’s
Letter is addressed directly to President Polk.
Apparent reverse side of 4 Oct 1847 letter that is image 2
Pension summary from 1819-1820
Alam Blain on roll of Ohio at rate of $8 per month, commencing 1 May
Pension summary card from 1848-1852
Catharine Blair, widow of Alam Blair, pension at rate of $96 annually
commencing on 1 July 1848. Pension certificate issued 10 February 1852
“The name is Blain” is written on the the side.
Alam Blain Statement dated 1 May 1818
Enlisted in a Pennsylvania Unit—Capt. Jno. Heard’s Company 4th
Regiment of Light Dragoons, commanded by Col. Anthony White. Received back
rations and clothing amount after the war for $70. Blain is in his 60th
year of age.
Apparent back side of Alam Blain 1 May 1818 Statement
Statement was made in front of Daniel Stillwell, associate Judge of
Court of Common Pleas. David Chambers, Clerk of the Common Pleas Court
testified to Stillwell’s position.
I saved all the images in a folder just for this pension file.
I created a blank Word document and imported all the images (at one time, using select all when importing an image). This way the page numbers of the Word document corresponded to the image numbers. The printed out Word document is making the transcription and analysis process much easier.
I've read through much of the pages before, but in creating this blog post I noticed where in Elam's original affidavit he indicates he was 60 years of age. Somehow that was something I had not noticed originally, or if I did, it was never entered into my files as an approximate year of birth for Elam.
We're working on completing the chart and the citations and will have an updated post.
25 April 2012
Nothing Here to See--Move Along
I'd probably have a lot more traffic and followers on this site if I:
- Wrote about every new website, book, blog, etc. that came out.
- Commented on every new trend in genealogy.
- Did what other popular genealogy blogs do.
- Looked at my blog statistics and really gave a care.
That's not going to happen. I only write about my own research and the ancestors of my children. While there are ads on this site, I gave up the notion of making any "real" money on this site years ago. I don't want to change the site in ways I think I would have to in order to really make money.
Unless you are distantly related to me, your family is not going to mentioned on this blog. I haven't taken clients in over 25 years and I have no intention of doing so now. While I do voice opinion, it's likely on things that are personally frustrating me at the time the piece is written--not my unique spin on something everyone else is writing about at the same point in time. Except for the 1940 census items, I'm not overly concerned with being timely. I'm too involved in my own research and projects to comment on something I'm not using or working on.
Some ideas may even be incomplete. I've got some thoughts on evidence, citations, and the ways that we define things in genealogy that I'm still working out. I also have a few ideas about "professional" genealogy as well--whatever that really means.
However you probably won't see the press releases here that other sites may use--I'm not trying to get the "latest" genealogy story. I'm not running a genealogy new site. And I like content to be original and fresh....
I also think that much of the "hurry" in genealogy is artificial and contrived and really only serves to market something. Haste makes waste. But that's just my opinion.Maybe I'm a little cynical.
See? There wasn't too much to this post.
Last Set of $5 Webinars-Land, Naturalization, and More
Now through 9 AM Central Standard Time (US) 27 April 2012, we're offering our $5 rate on our last set of discount genealogy webinars. Mac users should wait to order unless you have had NO difficulty viewing webinars in the past.
Presentations are based upon nearly 30 years of research experience and are informal, practical and geared towards helping your research.
CCC and Other Federal Depression Era Records
Family tradition has it that my maternal grandfather, John H. Ufkes (1917-2003) served in the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression. I've never taken the time to try and access the records, but have decided to give it a try.
The National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis has the records and will search them via mail and send copies for a fee. Fortunately his name isn't too common, so the fact that I don't have some of the details they need may not be a problem. If the name was Smith, I might need to have more specifics.
We'll have an update as the research requests progresses.
Family tradition is that his father worked for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or perhaps the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (USCS) during the Depression era as well. Locating those records may require a little more digging around. We'll keep readers posted as we make our way through these Depression era government employment records.
The National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis has the records and will search them via mail and send copies for a fee. Fortunately his name isn't too common, so the fact that I don't have some of the details they need may not be a problem. If the name was Smith, I might need to have more specifics.
We'll have an update as the research requests progresses.
Family tradition is that his father worked for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or perhaps the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (USCS) during the Depression era as well. Locating those records may require a little more digging around. We'll keep readers posted as we make our way through these Depression era government employment records.
22 April 2012
A Simple Chart and I'm the Source for an Early 19th Century Birth
I'm a big fan of charts in genealogy research. I'm not a big fan of fancy charts with graphics, "artsy" fonts, and all the artistic things. That's just me. I use charts to help me in my research and that's it.
This is a really simple chart that was used in the last issue of Casefile Clues where we worked to find a couple's 1840 census enumeration. Our search for them was put on hold until all post-1840 records had been analyzed and charts had been made to assist me in determining the person's probable year(s) of birth.
I concluded that Rebecca was born between 1817 and 1820, approximately. That is the "year of birth" she has in my database. Not one record indicates that range of years. So what is my source? My analysis is. I realize that there are those who don't believe in using "themselves" as the source, but in many cases I simply don't have one record that "proves" anything and I often, after conducting an "exhaustive" search, reach a conclusion that is not specifically stated by any one document. Consequently I don't have one document to cite. In many cases, we don't have one document to cite.
In the notes and text for the source of this birth, I include my analysis and what records were used. I'm working on how to create a citation for my analysis that is in the spirit of Evidence Explained and accurately reflects what was done.
Stay tuned--we'll have an update. Suggestions are welcomed.
This is a really simple chart that was used in the last issue of Casefile Clues where we worked to find a couple's 1840 census enumeration. Our search for them was put on hold until all post-1840 records had been analyzed and charts had been made to assist me in determining the person's probable year(s) of birth.
I concluded that Rebecca was born between 1817 and 1820, approximately. That is the "year of birth" she has in my database. Not one record indicates that range of years. So what is my source? My analysis is. I realize that there are those who don't believe in using "themselves" as the source, but in many cases I simply don't have one record that "proves" anything and I often, after conducting an "exhaustive" search, reach a conclusion that is not specifically stated by any one document. Consequently I don't have one document to cite. In many cases, we don't have one document to cite.
In the notes and text for the source of this birth, I include my analysis and what records were used. I'm working on how to create a citation for my analysis that is in the spirit of Evidence Explained and accurately reflects what was done.
Stay tuned--we'll have an update. Suggestions are welcomed.
21 April 2012
Don't Cite the Finding Aid
Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post about an 1860 census "entry" that had an unusual index entry at because the census enumerator had repeated household numbers. Because of this the index at merged the two households. Does that weird index entry need to be cited?
The answer is no. The index entry led me to the desired census image for William S. Newman and that is what I cite. The citation for William S. Newman's 1860 census entry makes it easy for anyone to find his entry--without the need to utilize the index.
And that's the purpose of the citation. The index is but a means and should only be cited if it provides information not in the census. I could have made a notation about the index entry in my citation and the fact that it was incorrect, but did not really see any reason to do that.
Here's the citation for the 1860 census reference for William S. Newman along with the image.
1860 U. S. census, White County, Indiana, population schedule, Princeton Township,p. 512 (handwritten, upper left), dwelling 345, family 347, William S Newman household; digital image, ( : accessed 10 September 2011); citing NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 307.
The answer is no. The index entry led me to the desired census image for William S. Newman and that is what I cite. The citation for William S. Newman's 1860 census entry makes it easy for anyone to find his entry--without the need to utilize the index.
And that's the purpose of the citation. The index is but a means and should only be cited if it provides information not in the census. I could have made a notation about the index entry in my citation and the fact that it was incorrect, but did not really see any reason to do that.
Here's the citation for the 1860 census reference for William S. Newman along with the image.
1860 U. S. census, White County, Indiana, population schedule, Princeton Township,p. 512 (handwritten, upper left), dwelling 345, family 347, William S Newman household; digital image, ( : accessed 10 September 2011); citing NARA microfilm publication M653, roll 307.
19 April 2012
Hancock County, Illinois Has Two Webster Cemeteries
Hancock County, Illinois, is pretty rural. I should know--I grew up there.
And William T. Newman was nowhere to be found in the Webster cemetery near the Village of Webster.
Locations can easily have more than one cemetery with the same name. Names such as "Memorial Park," "Memorial Gardens," are pretty common. But two cemeteries named Webster Cemetery? Yes, there's two cemeteries named Webster Cemetery in Hancock County.
I learned this the hard way when I was first doing research in my early teens. I discovered that a brother of my great-great-grandmother was buried in the Webster Cemetery. And silly me. Knowing that there was a small spot in the road named Webster in Hancock County, I thought that was where he was buried. I think I even convinced one of my parents to go over with me to the Webster Cemetery to look for him.
And William T. Newman was nowhere to be found in the Webster cemetery near the Village of Webster.
That was because on further research, I learned there was another Webster Cemetery in Hancock County--in St. Albans Township. At the time it seemed odd to me that William was buried in the Village of Webster Cemetery as none of the family ever lived there. St. Albans Township made a lot more sense given where most of the family lived.
William T. was born in Indiana in 1841 and died in Hancock County, Illinois, in 1895. There is a picture of his stone on Findagrave.
And the United States Geological Survey indicates in the notes on the Webster Cemetery that there are two such locations in Hancock County.
One never knows how many places will have the same or similar names within close proximity to each other.
Is Merging Families in Princeton Township, White County, Indiana?
This the "record" that pulls up for William S Newman in the Census for White County, Indiana. Based upon this entry, it appears that William and his family are enumerated in the same household as David Whight and his family. Is "merging" families together?
However, when I view the 1860 census image, that's not what I see. William Newman's entry and several of his apparent neighbors are shown in this image:
I don't see David Whight on this page--certainly not in the same household as William S. Newman. Just what is going on? Is it time time to send an email to
Not quite. David Whight is in the 1860 Census for Indiana--Princeton Township, same as William S. Newman. In fact, here is the image:
William S. Newman is on census page 46.
David Whight is on page 32.
So what gives?
A closer look at their entries explains why appears to be "messed up." David's entry is shown below:
David Whight appears in household 345 and family 347. |
William Newman appears in household 345 and family 347. |
I haven't taken time to see where the numbers got off. Now that I've figured it out, I'm not so concerned about that. I've got other problems to work on.
Just don't assume (or whomever made the index) is always in the wrong--sometimes census takers get it wrong as well. It's not often that the numbers are off they way they apparently are in Princeton Township.
This also is a great example of why citation is so important. We'll have an update with the citations after I get the next issue of Casefile Clues off to the proofreader. I've got to get some work done.
Written in the Same Hand?
Will of Mimke Habben, probated 1877 Hancock County, Illinois |
Will of Antje Fecht, denied probate 1900, Hancock County, Illinois |
Do these two handwriting samples appear to have been written by the same person?
It's key to a presentation I made "Preparing for Mother's Death." I won't repeat the whole presentation here and these two wills are only a small part of the presentation. To be honest, the fact that the handwriting was the same didn't really "hit me" until I began preparing the visuals for the seminar. I had been working from my transcriptions for quite some time.
But the handwriting appears to be similar, as if the will was handwritten by the same person. In this case, the wills, written within approximately fifteen years of each other, are conflicting. That conflict is ironic given that the same person apparently wrote them.
Are there clues in handwriting that you are overlooking? And have you thought about looking at the original when you have the transcription? Even if you believe the transcription to entirely accurate, a typed version will have to leave out some clues that the handwriting contains.
18 April 2012
What is Heat & H. No. 3?
This is part of a death certificate for Nelson Butler who died on 26 December 1925 in Seattle, Washington.
It's typed, so reading the writing is not a problem, but I am wondering what the test is that confirmed diagnosis (Heat & H. No. 3). I realize that this really isn't a genealogical necessity, but my curiosity is piqued.
The whole certificate appears below for anyone who needs to see the entire thing.
It's typed, so reading the writing is not a problem, but I am wondering what the test is that confirmed diagnosis (Heat & H. No. 3). I realize that this really isn't a genealogical necessity, but my curiosity is piqued.
The whole certificate appears below for anyone who needs to see the entire thing.
17 April 2012 Plans to Digitize Lutheran Church Records from ELCA
Note: I only blog about things that impact my own research, which is why most of the genealogical websites quit sending me press releases a long time ago.
does send me press releases and one crossed my email this morning that struck my interest. is partnering with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to digitize and index 1,000 reels of microfilm containing millions of baptism, confirmation, marriage, and funeral records. Very neat. My maternal ancestors attended Lutheran congregations in Hancock and Adams Counties in Illinois, and I'm determining if microfilmed copies of those records are a part of this series. Based on the synodical history involved, combined with the fact that those churches were not Swedish in ethnicity, I'm guessing that most were not. But time will tell.
However, my children's ancestor attended First Lutheran Church in Galesburg, Illinois, and I'm pretty certain those records are available on microfilm. I used them years ago and the ability to have them online will be pretty nice.
You can learn more about the collection on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's website. There is not an inventory online, but the page indicates:
These [films] are primarily from The American Lutheran Church portion of the predecessor bodies, but also include a number of Swedish-American Lutheran microfilms.
I've emailed the archives to see if they have films for churches in which I have an interest.
The ELCA site has an interesting section on Lutheran Churches in Chicago.
I think I'm more excited about this than I was the 1940 census release (grin!).
However, my children's ancestor attended First Lutheran Church in Galesburg, Illinois, and I'm pretty certain those records are available on microfilm. I used them years ago and the ability to have them online will be pretty nice.
You can learn more about the collection on the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's website. There is not an inventory online, but the page indicates:
These [films] are primarily from The American Lutheran Church portion of the predecessor bodies, but also include a number of Swedish-American Lutheran microfilms.
I've emailed the archives to see if they have films for churches in which I have an interest.
The ELCA site has an interesting section on Lutheran Churches in Chicago.
I think I'm more excited about this than I was the 1940 census release (grin!).
Genealogy Fundamentals-Organizing Census Searching
We've just released the recorded version of the latest genealogy fundamental webinar--"Organizing Census Searching." The fundamental webinars are approximately 20 minutes in length--handout included along with the media file. Straight and to the point--with specific examples drawn from my own research.
Geared towards the intermediate or advanced beginning researcher, this presentation (and handout) can be downloaded for $2 at this link.
Geared towards the intermediate or advanced beginning researcher, this presentation (and handout) can be downloaded for $2 at this link.
15 April 2012
Brick Walls from A to Z Webinar Recording
I just finished the final installment in my Brick Walls from A to Z webinars. Twenty-six new genealogy stumbling block breakers in alphabetical order. This session is geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers and is not geared towards any specific geographic location. The Brick Wall series has been fun, but I'm looking forward to creating new material.
And besides, I'm running out of things I can use for "X."
The recording and handout can be ordered for $8.50.
And besides, I'm running out of things I can use for "X."
The recording and handout can be ordered for $8.50.
Updated List of Genealogy Webinars
This is the current list of my most recent webinars. With 30 to choose from, there's something here for almost every one. View upcoming schedule here.
- What is Not Written. This presentation discusses the importance of discovering, as best you can, what is going on "behind the scenes" with a document or a record. Materials used by genealogists are usually created in response to some event and sometimes seeing what's "really going on" is not easy. Through examples and general methodology we will see how to get "behind" the document and discover what was really going on. $8.50 purchases the media file and handout.
- Crossing the Pond. This presentation discusses problem-solving strategies for tracing 18th and 19th century ancestors back across the Atlantic. It is geared towards advanced beginning and intermediate researchers. This presentation does not merely list a list of sources, but focuses on research methods. $8.50 purchases the media file and handout for this presentation.
- Charts, Charts and More Charts. Readers of the newsletter know that I love charts--and I'm not talking about pedigree and family group charts. Instead I'm talking about charts that organize information you have in order to see what's missing, notice patterns, and organize your research. In this webinar, I talk about key elements to include in any chart, troubleshooting before you get started, brainstorming, and ways to get creative with your data. Geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers. $8.50 purchases the media file and handout for this presentation.
- Google Docs--Getting Started Webinar. This hour long presentation discusses the basics of Google Docs for genealogists. This free service allows you to share files with anyone as a web page or work on files with other individuals to whom you've given access to the file via the cloud. You can control who can edit materials with you and let the world view a read-only version of your file. This description just scratches the surface. Download the media file for $8.50.
- Proving Florence--From our Fundamental Series--this 20 minute presentation is geared towards beginners with some experience and intermediate researchers as well. It discusses how the father was "proven" for a woman who was born in the 1850s in Iowa or Missouri. There's not one source that specifically states the relationship--our case is indirect. Only $2.50 for the media file and the handout.
- Brick Walls From A to Z--FINAL one. Twenty-six new genealogy stumbling block breakers in alphabetical order. This session is geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers and is not geared towards any specific geographic location. The Brick Wall series has been fun, but I'm looking forward to creating new material.
And besides, I'm running out of things I can use for "X." The recording and handout can be ordered for $8.50. - Creating Research Plans. This presentation discusses how to create your research plans, how to set goals, how to not set goals, when you are proving and when you are not, and other key concepts. Of course, we have a few charts as well. Our attempt is to be down-to-earth and practical. I realize that most genealogists are not going to write journal articles, however our research needs to be as thorough as possible and our analysis and method well-thought out or we're not going to get the best possible story on great-great-grandma that there is. This presentation is geared towards intermediate researchers, but advanced beginners might get some benefit from it as well. The presentation and handout can be downloaded from our vendor for $8.50.
- Preparing for Mother's Death . It's not quite what you might think. This presentation discusses an 1889 will that was denied in 1900 with no stated reasons. An exhaustive search of records resulted in the likely reason and made the machinations of one son a little easier to see and made the reasons behind some documents a little more clear. Along the way we discuss a few key terms and also see why chronology and context are always important--especially so when things are confusing.You can purchase the handout and presentation for $8.50.
- The 1940 Census. This presentation was recorded before the images were released and concentrates on determining Enumeration District and probable residence of your ancestor along with a discussion of what is in the 1940 census. Only $4.00 for download.
- The Genealogical Proof Standard for the Non-Professional. One of our most popular webinars, this presentation provides an overview of the “Genealogical Proof Standard,” including a discussion on the “exhaustive search.” The Proof Standard is not just for professionals, any genealogist who wants to improve their research and get past those stumbling blocks would be well served by implementing it in their research. Our discussion is practical, down-to-earth, and hands-on. This webinar and presentation can be ordered for immediate download for just $8.00.
- Proving Benjamin. This presentation discusses work on a New York 1820 era native who appears in Michigan, Iowa, and Missouri census records. Combining those records with a probate, we show inconsistent 1850, 1870 and 1880 census entries are actually for the same man, and using land and tax records (combined with census records) get a good foundation for researching his family of origin. This webinar presentation and handout can be purchased for just $8.00.
- Female Ancestors. This presentation discusses approaches and techniques for determining an ancestor's maiden name and locating "missing" females. Geared towards the advanced beginner or intermediate researcher, it focuses on American records and sources. The content is not specific to any one time period and many of the approaches can be refined for different locations or types of records. If you are stymied on your female ancestors--and half your ancestors are female. This webinar presentation and handout can be purchased for $8.50.
- The Probate Process—An Overview. Geared towards the advanced beginner or intermediate researcher, it covered an overview of the process and looked at selected documents from two probate settlements with a discussion of the pitfalls to watch out for along the way. Probate records are an excellent genealogical source--regardless of the time period in which you are researching and may contain clues about your ancestor, where he lived, his occupation, etc. The recording (and handout) are available at $8.50.
- Using Fold3.Com--This webinar provided a broad overview of what was on the site and provided some actual live demo of searching and interacting with the information. The image interface is different from some and the searching is slightly different so both those things were demonstrated for some representative databases on the site. This presentation is geared towards those who have not used Fold3 or have limited experience with it. You can download the webinar now at the introductory rate of $6
- Making and Proving Your Case. Geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers, this presentation discusses things to think about before writing up "your case." Talks about statements, primary, secondary, ways to prove yourself, considering all the options, disproving, citation, etc. Provides the viewer with ideas on how to "make their case" and see gaps or omissions in their research. The digital media for this presentation can be downloaded for $8.50.
- Genealogy Blogging For Beginners This is geared towards those who have no blogging experience. Discusses things to be concerned about, generating content, creating posts, inserting images, tables, copyright, and more. The presentation and handout can be downloaded for $8.50.

- DeedMapper with Virginia Land Patents. The session on DeedMapper discusses how patents for John Rucker and several of his neighbors were located using the Library of Virginia website. The presentation discusses the downloading of the patents, reading them, inputting the descriptions into DeedMapper and attempting to fit them together using the plats created by DeedMapper. The digital media for this presentation can be purchased for $8.50.
- "Yet More Brick Walls from A to Z" continues our popular series on this topic--with yet another list of brick wall breakers--with discussion--from A to Z. The digital media for this presentation (handout and presentation) can be downloaded for $6.
- Tips and Tricks for FamilySearch -This webinar discusses ins and outs of using the "new" family search, searching by family structure, global searches, interpreting searches and troubleshooting. Also discussed are strategies when approaching an unindexed set of images, a new type of record series, or incomplete records. Aimed at advanced beginners and intermediate level researchers. The digital version of the presentation and handout can be ordered for $8.50.
- Newspaper Research -Aimed at advanced beginners and intermediate level researchers, this webinar discusses research techniques for searching newspapers in digital, microfilm, and original formats. Pitfalls of using digital newspapers are discussed, along with manual search techniques and what types of materials to look for besides obituaries and death notices. This presentation is not merely a list of online sites or an attempt to get subscribers to any specific database. The digital version of the presentation and handout can be ordered for $8.50.
- An overview of using This focuses on searching the site, using books and how to navigate for National Archives microfilm and other materials. This recording can be downloaded immediately for $8.50.
- Research in Illinois- -Geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers, it focuses on local records, what makes Illinois different, and larger statewide facilities. The media file and handout can be ordered for $8.50 here.
- Sarah and Susannah-Two 18th Century Virginia Women and Their Property -This presentation discusses the will of a 18th century Virginia woman and how another family "moved" a widow's life estate from one county to another. Priced at $8.50 for immediate download. Includes recording and PDF of handout.
- Creating Families from Pre-1850 Census Records --This presentation discusses how to analyze pre-1850 census records in order to determine the family structure that is suggested by those records. Enumerations for one household between 1810 and 1840 are analyzed in order to determine the number of children, ranges on their years of birth, and ranges on years of birth for the oldest male and oldest female in the household. Priced at $8.50 for immediate download. Includes recording and PDF of handout.
- United States Naturalization Records pre-1920 - This presentation is an overview of naturalization records in the United States prior to 1920, focusing on locating and understanding the records. Women's citizenship and derivative citizenship are also included. The recorded webinar and handout can be ordered for immediate download for $8.50.
- More Brick Walls from A to Z This presentation is a continuation on the popular "Brick Walls from A to Z" that was released earlier. The alphabet has been reused for additional ideas and quick suggestions for getting past those brick walls--aimed at all levels--with the intent of jumpstarting people's research. Introductory recording price of $6 won't last long. Includes recording and PDF of handout.
- Using US Passenger lists on presentation provides an overview to the US passenger lists on, with an emaphasis on search techniques and organization. We look at searching for a few not so easy to find people. Order the recording and handout here for immediate download for $8.50
- Using US Census on --This presentation discusses search tips and ideas for using the US Census at There is also discussion on organizing your search before you start typing names and information in search boxes. You can purchase the recorded version of the webinar as a Windows media file and the PDF handout for $8.50. Add to cart here.
- Brick Walls from A to Z--This lecture is based upon my article "Brick Walls From A to Z" and is geared towards the somewhat experienced beginner to intermediate researcher. Just a list of ideas to get beyond your brick walls discussed alphabetically. Handout included. Add to cart here.
- Using the Old Search at Your order can be processed here for only $2.25.We discuss toggling back and forth between new and old search and some of the features of the old search and reasons why I continue to use it. The webinar doesn't show my face--instead you hear my voice and see the screen as I perform searches. We kept the price low on this one to make it affordable for those who've been confused about "old search." Add to cart.
- Local Land Records in Public Domain States--This lecture discusses obtaining, using, and interpreting local land records in areas of the United States from Ohio westward where land was originally in the public domain. This lecture is geared towards those who have some experience with land records--advanced beginning and intermediate researchers. $8.50 includes handout and hour-long lecture. Add to cart here.
- DeedMapper Geared for the person who is not familiar with DeedMapper--which maps properties described in metes and bounds, allows users to map multiple parcels on the same map, manipulate plats, insert background images. This works through one example and discusses other features of the program. Add to cart here.
- Barbara's Beaus and Gesche's Girls--Case study of two German immigrants to the American Midwest in the mid-19th century. For $8.50 you will be able to download the media file and the PDF version of the handout. Add to cart here.
- Court Records-Pig Blood in the Snow. This lecture discusses American court records at the county level where cases were typically originally heard. Discusses cases of main genealogical relevance along with searching techniques. For $8.50 you will be able to download the media file and the PDF version of the handout. Add to cart here.
- Seeing the Patterns-Organizing Your Information. This lecture discusses the problem-solving process and a variety of ways to organize your information with the intent of getting the research to notice overlooked clues, patterns, trends, and information. $8.50 includes handout and hour-long lecture. Add to cart here.
- Determining Your Own Migration Trail/Chain. You can purchase the recorded version of the webinar as a Windows media file and the handout as as PDF via this link for $7. This lecture discusses ways to find the names of your ancestor's associates and ways to determine how your ancestor fit into a larger chain of migration. Geared towards advanced beginners and intermediate researchers.$8.50 includes handout and hour-long lecture
- Using the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Website. You can purchase the recorded version of the webinar as a Windows media file and the handout as as PDF for $8.50. This lecture discusses effective search techniques for the site, how to formulate your searches, how to trouble-shoot searches, a search template, and what records patents in the BLM site can lead to. Add to cart.
- The Missing 1840 Census Enumeration . This webinar discusses a couple "missing" from the 1840 Census in Ohio and how they were eventually found and the indirect evidence used. A good overview of using land records to solve a "non-land record" problem with some points along the way about organization and visualization. Suggestions for additional research are also discussed. Add to cart.
- Using US Passenger lists on ---add to cart
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