I've mentioned these on my website before, but it's been quite some time, so I thought a consolidated followup post was in order. Instructions for obtaining these records are on the National Personnel Records Center website.
The card and registration I obtained were for my grandfather, Cecil Neill. The card is similar to information contained on other World War I and World War II era cards.
Front of Card

Back of card

This site has a list of military classifications for registrations for the World War I and World War II era. This was helping in translating the classifications to which he was assigned.
Some information from the classification record was not sent to me at the time I made my request several years ago--typically that part related to men who might be living. In the interest of space, these images were modified slightly from the original scan in that I deleted every name from the ledger except that of Cecil.

Grandpa's 23 and 24 were blank and were not scanned.

Item 34 is the date of birth.
Many times we neglect mid-20th century research on our relatives thinking it is "too recent." That's not necessarily true.