This minister married two of my wife's ancestors in Macon County, Missouri, in 1860. A little Googling for him brought several references, two of which are reproduced here. I also got his entire name after I Googled him, the license only listed his name as O. R. Bouton. It may look like nothing major, but there are some clues here that may explain a few things about the couple he married. Casefile Clues readers will get an additional update in an issue or two. These things were discovered while cleaning up footnotes for the present issue.
This clip comes from this book:
There is a mention of Boughton in a Boughton family history as well, which also mentions when he assumed the presidency of Macon College:
The complete Bouton history can be seen here: We'll have update after I draw some conclusions. I don't normally use blog posts as "scratchpads," but tonight it's the easiest place to put things before I get too distracted with them.