Troutfetter is Bagged in Boston

You have to love headlines.
This one comes from a 1902 Colorado's Gazette-Telegraph, which was located on GenealogyBank. Philip Troutfetter was said to have been involved in the Cuban postal frauds, but it appears that he only associated with one of the men involved and was not actually involved himself.
Source: Date: 1902-04-11;
Paper: Gazette-Telegraph
A second clipping from the Springfield Republican also mentions Troutfetter. We've blogged about Philip before, but occasionally run across a new clipping that mentions some snippet of his life I've not discovered elsewhere. He was never convicted and died at his parents' home in rural Kansas in the early 1900s.
Source: Date: 1902-04-11;
Paper: Gazette-Telegraph
A second clipping from the Springfield Republican also mentions Troutfetter. We've blogged about Philip before, but occasionally run across a new clipping that mentions some snippet of his life I've not discovered elsewhere. He was never convicted and died at his parents' home in rural Kansas in the early 1900s.
The second clipping is from:
The original clippings appear on GenealogyBank.
Date: 1900-07-26;
Paper: Springfield [Mass] Republican
The original clippings appear on GenealogyBank.