I've been ignoring much of the conversation on the Association of Professional Genealogists' Mailing list lately. And I think it's going to stay that way.
I'm not even going to comment here on the discussion--blog readers most really likely don't care to read paragraph after paragraph on the topic. So I will keep it short.
I don't take research clients. I don't think that's a problem. And I don't think it makes me unprofessional.
I don't have a degree in history, sociology, political science, library science, etc. I don't think it's wrong that I have the "wrong" degree either.
There are quite a few people who subscribe to my free blogs and to Casefile Clues. Those people qualify as clients on some level. The numbers don't really matter. And while I don't have a degree as listed above, I did manage to stumble though college and complete an MS in mathematics 4.5 years out of high school. And I will say that I saw my fair share of "proof" and "proofs" in more math classes than I can easily recall. You didn't get through Real Analysis without the ability to clearly and completely organize your proof argument.
I'm going to stay out of the discussion about the future of the profession, professionalism, etc. I got stacks of actual work to do as a part of my genealogical "profession."
That probably makes a statement right there.