This is part of the obituary for my uncle James Mundy that was recently posted to and originally appeared in the Peoria, Illinois
Journal-Star. James' wife Louise was my great-grandfather Trautvetter's sister. I never really knew much about the Mundys other than they lived in Peoria.
James' obituary indicated that he was an engineer for the railroad and had worked for the railroad for forty years upon his retirement.
Date: Monday, August 11, 1952
Paper: Journal Star (Peoria, IL)
--obtained on |
I've decided to see if there are any Railroad Retirement Board records for James. It's not often I have an uncle in this time period who has a job that may generate any type of employment or retirement records--my direct ancestors and most of their siblings were farmers.
Based upon information on the
National Archives-Atlanta website, the Retirement Board records for James are in their collection. I've got a request in to see if there are records for James.
Stay tuned.