Michael John Neill's genealogy website. Things that cross my path, general research suggestions, and whatever else ...with a little bit of attitude. I don't post "news" just to post it, never post a press release (edited or otherwise), don't feign excitement, and pretty much say what I think.
30 December 2010
Family History Library Trip in May 2011 Early Registration Extended
For more information, visit this blog post:
or email me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com
29 December 2010
Elmore Drollette in San Francisco Newspaper

Age and Birth Date on Ancestry.com's Canadian Crossings

Discount Offer on First 68 Issues of Casefile Clues
Topics from the first 16 issues of year 2 are:
- Volume 2-Number 1--Problem-Solving--a variety of techniques for breaking through those brick walls.
- Volume 2-Number 2--A 1907 Committal--An insanity record.
- Volume 2-Number 3--A 1921 Divorce--looking at a 1921 era divorce from Chicago
- Volume 2-Number 4--Leaving John's Hands: Documenting Post-Death Land Transfers
- Volume 2-Number 5--The Acquisition of John Michael Trautvetter's 228 Acres
- Volume 2-Number 6--The Original Versus the Record Copy
- Volume 2-Number 7--Multiple Marriage Mayhem:
Starting the Search for Emma (Sargent) Pollard Ross Oades Pollard Snavly Olenbaugh - Volume 2-Number 8--A Handful of Problem-Solving Strategies
- Volume 2-Number 9--Two-Thirds of an Acre from Uncle John: A Partition Suit Proves a Sibling Relationship
- Volume 2-Number 10--A Minimal Estate Gives Some Direction: The 1886-1888 Probate of Benjamin Butler
- Volume 2-Number 11--Signing What We Could Not Read--immigrants unable to read English sign a 1870 era document that is incorrect and a lawsuit results.
- Volume 2-Number 12--Dad Raised my Daughter--A newspaper account of a court case in the 1880s discusses an early 1870 out-of-wedlock birth.
- Volume 2-Number 13--Using the 1860 Census to Formulate a Passenger List Search Strategy
- Volume 2-Number 14--Search Strategy for Benjmamin Butler in pre-1870 Census Records--this looks at ways to find the missing 1850 and 1860 census enumerations for man who "appears" in Iowa in 1870.
- Volume 2-Number 15--Pre-1850 Census--analyzing 1810-1840 census entries for Thomas Chaney in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
- Volume 2-Number 16--Names in the Probate--analyzing various names in a probate settlement from 1903. Nicknames and diminutives were part of the problem.
Here are Casefile Clues Topics from Year 1 (in reverse order):
- 52--Benjamin Butler in 1880 and 1870--correlating an 1880 and 1870 census enumeration when the head of household has a different first name
- 51--Clarifying Clara--a widow's War of 1812 Bounty Land application
- 50--Special Examiner's Report--Discussion of testimony taken by a Special Examiner in a Union Civil War Pension File
- 49--Levi Rhodes' War of 1812 Pension--A discussion and and an analysis of a War of 1812 pension issued in 1871.
- 48--Determining Your Own Chain of Migration--Ways to determine the unique migration chain that your ancestor took
- 47--Finding the Ellen--Finding someone in an 1870 census when she's a child and I don't have the names of the parents. Discusses proximity searches, eliminating false matches, etc.
- 46--Ira Located--the correct marriage record for Ira Sargent was located. This issue includes the image and a complete transcription, an analysis, additional searches that were conducted, and where to go next.
- 45--Organizing My Search for Ira--discusses brainstorming to locate the parents of Ira Sargent, how and why records were prioritized, and how records would be searched.
- 44--Philip Troutfetter in the Special Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society--fraud, postal investigations, and abandoned wives--all from one relative.
- 43--Unacquiring Property--ways your ancestor might have "disposed" of his real estate.
- 42--Multiple Johns--two brothers with the exact same name--apparently.
- 41--Brick Walls from A to Z--the title says it all--ideas for breaking those brick walls
- 40--Finding John--analysis, including charts and maps, in an attempt to find a missing 1870 census enumeration.
- 39--Multiple Marias--Analyzing more than one 1893 obituary for a Swiss immigrant in Iowa.
- 38--From their Mouth to Your Screen. Discusses all the "filters" information passes through.
- 37--Pullman Car Company Employment Records. Discusses several employment records from the Pullman Car Company in Chicago. Discusses William Apgar, Thomas Frame, Louis DeMar.
- 36--Where are they in 1840? Analyzes an individual who is "missing" from an 1840 census. Includes a discussion of how he was "found" and how land records actually solved the problem. Discusses Abraham Wickiser.
- 35--A 1910 Birth. Analyzes primary and secondary sources for a date and place of birth in 1910 and how differences might not be all that different. Discusses Ida Trautvetter.
- 34--Ready to Go? Discusses some things to contemplate regarding your genealogy material before you die.
- 33--Where there is a Will there is Confusion. Analyzes an early 19th century will from Maryland and what the different bequests likely mean and what potentially brought them about. Also discusses different ways some things can be interpreted. Discusses John DeMoss.
- 32--When There is No Probate. Some things to think about when there is no probate file.
- 31--Analyzing the Mortgage. Discusses an 1870 era mortgage in Illinois. Discusses John Ufkes and Rolf Habben.
- 30--Behind the Scenes Chaos. Discusses the importance of thinking about what "caused" a record to be recorded.
- 29--Un-American Activity. Discusses an invesigation by the fore-runner of the FBI into a German-American family in World War I. Discusses the Fecht family.
- 28--Do You Ear What I Ear? Discusses things to remember about how things are heard.
- 27--Analyzing Andrew Trask. Discusses work on an Mass. native (born ca. 1814) who lived in St. Louis, southern-Illinois, and western Illinois where he died in the 1880s. Focuses on analyzing and working on later records to discern patterns, etc. Discusses Andrew Trask.
- 26--Using Google Books.
- 25--Finding Valentine. Steps in locating a man whose only real mention is in an 1870 era estate settlement. Discusses how I organized my search for him.
- 24--The Brick Wall is in Your Head. Talks about ways you may have made your own genealogical brick wall.
- 23--You Ask and I Wonder. Things that pop in my head when a person asks a certain genealogical question.
- 22--Crossing the Pond.
- 21--One Clipping Leads to More.
- 20--Organizing 1870 Census Search--thoughts on organizing online census searches.
- 19--Public Sale--Analyzing an old sale bill.
- 18--Analyzing the Biography--Charting and Organizing what You Know Using a Biography
- 17--Working with the Professional. Getting started with the professional genealogist who is performing Chicago area work for me.
- 16--A Lot from Barbara's Lot. Clues from a series of records on a small lot in a town in rural Illinois betwen 1856 and 1905.
- 15--Finding Gesche's Girls. Tracking down an "evaporating" German native who "condensed" somewhere in the United States.
- 14--Jumpstarting Your Research. Just some ideas to get you started.
- 13--Brick Walls and the Census Taker
- 12--The Heirs Complete the Homestead
- 11--Is the Wrong Name Correct?
- 10--Connecting the Iras. Working to determine if two men of the same name are the same man.
- 09--Pre-1850 Census Analysis. Analzing pre-1850 census records for a family to determine the household structure. Discusses Thomas and Sarah Sledd.
- 08--Platting Out Thomas Sledd's Heirs. Platting out the estate division of the Thomas Sledd estate in Kentucky in the 1830s. Discusses Thomas Sledd family.
- 07--Looking for Ira's Lucretia. Working on my "brick wall" Ira through his sister Lucretia. mid-to-late nineteenth century work.
- 06--The Civil War Pension file of Riley Rampley. An overview of a Union Civil War pension record.
- 05--Finding a Chicago Christening. How a 1913 era Chicago christening record was found. Discusses Anna Apgar.
- 04--Multiple Parents
- 03--Preemption Claim. The Missouri pre-emption land claim of John Lake. Discusses John Lake.
- 02--Passport Records. Discusses an early twentieth century passport application. Discusses Robert Frame.
- 01--Lessons from an Estate Record. Analyzes an 1870 era Illinois set of estate records.
27 December 2010
Alfred Butler Pension Card

Two Cemeteries Have Stones for Same Man

26 December 2010
Casefile Clues Year 2's Issues 1-16
- Volume 2-Number 1--Problem-Solving--a variety of techniques for breaking through those brick walls.
- Volume 2-Number 2--A 1907 Committal--An insanity record.
- Volume 2-Number 3--A 1921 Divorce--looking at a 1921 era divorce from Chicago
- Volume 2-Number 4--Leaving John's Hands: Documenting Post-Death Land Transfers
- Volume 2-Number 5--The Acquisition of John Michael Trautvetter's 228 Acres
- Volume 2-Number 6--The Original Versus the Record Copy
- Volume 2-Number 7--Multiple Marriage Mayhem:
Starting the Search for Emma (Sargent) Pollard Ross Oades Pollard Snavly Olenbaugh - Volume 2-Number 8--A Handful of Problem-Solving Strategies
- Volume 2-Number 9--Two-Thirds of an Acre from Uncle John: A Partition Suit Proves a Sibling Relationship
- Volume 2-Number 10--A Minimal Estate Gives Some Direction: The 1886-1888 Probate of Benjamin Butler
- Volume 2-Number 11--Signing What We Could Not Read--immigrants unable to read English sign a 1870 era document that is incorrect and a lawsuit results.
- Volume 2-Number 12--Dad Raised my Daughter--A newspaper account of a court case in the 1880s discusses an early 1870 out-of-wedlock birth.
- Volume 2-Number 13--Using the 1860 Census to Formulate a Passenger List Search Strategy
- Volume 2-Number 14--Search Strategy for Benjmamin Butler in pre-1870 Census Records--this looks at ways to find the missing 1850 and 1860 census enumerations for man who "appears" in Iowa in 1870.
- Volume 2-Number 15--Pre-1850 Census--analyzing 1810-1840 census entries for Thomas Chaney in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.
- Volume 2-Number 16--Names in the Probate--analyzing various names in a probate settlement from 1903. Nicknames and diminutives were part of the problem.
Issues 1-16 can be purchased for only $6.
Annual subscriptions are $17.
Ancestry Matches Make Me Wonder

22 December 2010
Daily Genealogy Transcriber
19 December 2010
Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad Locates George Drollette

I don't often make really interesting discoveries on relatves overseas. Today I did. Ancestry.comrecently released a new set of records on their site and I made what is a major discovery. Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974
contains information on the death of George Washington Drollette in Hanoi in 1933.
I've mentioned Drollette before and know that he had been in China as early as the very late 1890s. He was a native of Saranac, New York, and apparently remained in Asia until his death in 1933.
I'm not certain if his remains remained in Hanoi or not. There is quite a bit of followup to do here, but it'll have to wait until after the start of the New Year. This probably will be at least one Casefile Clues article and we'll blog post here as well as time allows.
Drollette was the brother of Marie Drollette Desmarais/Demar, my wife's great-great-grandmother.
Santa Clause in Saline County Missouri 1900
The 1900 Census for Saline County, Missouri, shows Santa Clause as a 13 year old, born in April of 1887 in Missouri living with his parents William and Henrietta Clause.
Search for Santa on other sites, such as:
Feel free to post comments or updates on Santa here. We'll be adding additional census and other images on Santa as we find them!
17 December 2010
Swedish Records on Ancestry.com
Ancestry.com is adding the Swedish church records
15 December 2010
Genealogy Tip of the Day Nominated for Top 40 Blogs
Give us a vote--and pretend you're from Chicago--vote often.
That's it for the plug--there are Casefile Clues columns to write!
Thanks for the nomination.
13 December 2010
Virgil Burrows Enters the Marines in 1928
While working on an article for Casefile Clues, I came across this reference on GenealogyBank's Newspaper Archive for Virgil A. Burrows in the Colorado Gazette-Telegraph from 28 January 1921.
I really wasn't looking for Virgil specifically, but rather brief information on his parents, particularly his mother Freda Meyer, daughter of Louise/Louisa Bieger Meyer(s) sister of my gg-grandmother Franciska Bieger Trautvetter.
This was a nice clipping to find actually. I had traced Louis (husband of Freda) and his family to the Denver area via 1920 census and other records. Now I can search for Virgil in the records from the Marine Corps at Ancestry.com . Before I had not really thought to look for him in those records, but the clipping makes the searching a little easier. Maybe down the road we'll work up something on Virgil and family for Casefile Clues.
Update on Archives.com
What frustrates me is the approach and the response I've received from customer service at Archives.com.
UPDATE--I did receive a refund "because I felt so strongly." Translation-I pitched a fit. Of course I did, $39.95 is $39.95.
12 December 2010
Archives.com Limits Your Access to NewspaperArchive.com images
Tomorrow Never Came

09 December 2010
Family History Trip Deadline
For more details on the trip and to make your payment by the early bird deadline, go to http://rootdig.blogspot.com/2010/06/reserve-spot-in-my-2011-family-history.html.
03 December 2010
Tracking Your Searches
But the tracking of how we research is one area where many genealogists still fall short. How many of us when we search online databases keep track of how we search? Do we keep track of what we enter in the various search boxes and what options are "checked" or "unchecked?" When names are found easily, I suppose it does not matter all that much. However, when a person or family is not found, it does make a difference.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm thinking about searching again for the passenger list entry for a relative who came to the United States with his family in the mid-1800s. Henry's one brother and daughter immigrated together in the 1850s, but I have not found Henry.

My search for him needs to be systematic. Otherwise, I am going to search the same variations over and over again and may overlook other options. The best way to do this is with a chart of search options based upon the search interface.
I will make a chart with one column for each of the search parameters I choose to use. This allows me to track my results.
We've used charts in many issues of Casefile Clues and several were used in a recent article that focused on a couple where I was able to find their passenger list entry from about the same time period. I do not think Henry and his family will be as easy to locate. And maybe that's why it would make an excellent article.
In a much earlier issue, we used 1870 census enumerations to determine the likely father for a woman who married in October of that year, shortly after the census. Our search procedure explained all the ways the census index was searched, in an attempt to locate every possible match within a several county area. Then the matches (except one) were eliminated for consideration as being the desired person. Reasons for the elimination were included along with the reasons for how the searches were constructed.
I'm a big fan of citing sources (Casefile Clues is heavily cited), but I'm a big fan of citing procedure as well. It is just as important as the citation of sources.
02 December 2010
One Day Discount Offer on Family History Library and Ft. Wayne Library Trips
For just 24 hours after this post goes live, we are offering a 20% discount on both these research trips. I'm running two trips in 2011, one to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and one to the Allen County Public Library in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.
From now until 2:00 P.M. CST 3 December 2010, you can register at a twenty percent discount in either or both trips. This offer will not be repeated or extended. Links are below. Full payment must be made to get discount rate.To get the discounted rates, use the payment in this post only-return to this blog post if necessary after reading about the trip.
- Salt Lake Trip 18-25 May 2010 one-day discount offer of $160. (registration only--travel and other expenses are on your own). Trip details are here. Regular registration price $200. Sign up for the discount offer of $160
- Ft. Wayne's Allen County Public Library 3-7 August 2011 trip--one day discount offer of $100. (registration only--travel and other expenses are on your own). Trip details are here. Regular registration price $125. Sign up for the discount offer of $100.
Make this your early present to yourself.
Passenger List Search for Henry Trautvetter Family
The family was in Montebello Township, Hancock County, Illinois, in 1860 which was mentioned in an earlier blog post. Searches for the family in the 1850 census were unsuccessful and searches of them in the passenger lists at Ancestry.com didn't yield too much either. Even unusual names are not always easy to find.
It is time to stop typing names in boxes and get organized.
In a recent issue of Casefile Clues, I mentioned a search process I used to locate another German family from about the same time span. It might be time to use a similar approach for this family.
I won't repeat the whole process here, but it boils down to:
- What I know about the parents.
- Look at the rest of the family.
- When did the father naturalize.
- Are any of the immigrants in 1900, 1910, 1920, and 1930 census.
Henry died in the early 1870s and Barbara died sometime after the 1880 census. Death records are not going to help on the passenger list problem. Two sons were alive in 1900 and might have provided a year of immigration to the census taker. That year or those years could be used as an estimate when searching the manifests ,but it could be wrong. An older daughter married in Germany and immigrated with her own family in 1853.
While I would like to find the manifest entry for the family, there's another question: Do I actually need it? Is it worth my time to find it? While every record can be helpful, in this case the time might be better spent.
I already have good leads on where Henry and Barbara were from in Germany through records on the children of Henry's brother. I know where Henry's brother was born in Germany and who the parents were. The manifest might reveal a new detail about the family, but it's not likely to provide me with information I already have.
I should organize what I have on Henry and Barbara in an attempt to locate their manifest entry. I'm not certain though that spending several hours on the actual search is worth it. Sometimes one has to prioritize.
Rootdig Blog on Kindle
I don't put press releases here, don't really "promote" sites, etc. Usually I write about research that I'm actually doing, usually for my newsletter Casefile Clues. I don't write about things just to increase my web traffic, don't copy and paste information from other sites, and don't write about something because everyone else is doing it.
Stay tuned and get us on your Kindle.
01 December 2010
Rootdig for Your Kindle
- Notices about sales and promotions for Casefile Clues will be less often. We are going to be running fewer sales on Casefile Clues in the future so that I can devote more time to writing.
- Minor formatting changes.
- We don't "do genealogy news" on Rootdig.com. It's just about the research. We are going to try and get back to more opinion based articles here as were on here in the past.
I already have these blogs on Kindle:
Stay Tuned!
We will have an update when the Kindle link is operational.
30 November 2010
German Find on Google Books
Jahrbuch der Deutsche-Amerikanischen Historischen Gesellschaft von ...: Volume 3
It mentions his membership in a church near Hamilton, Illinois, and a few other details that I need translated. Just a wonderful find. Makes me think I need to do even more searches on Google Books.George Trautvetter in the Civil War & Two Census Images
This George Trautvetter's Civil War service records appear on Footnote.com. The image here is just one of the cards in his file. The card actually comes from Compiled Service Records of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Served in Organizations From the State of Missouri which are on Footnote.com.
This George was discharged from his service, but he must have died before his uncle's estate was probated in the late 1860s as he's not mentioned as an heir and his siblings are George appears with his family in the 1860 Census in Montebello, Hancock County, Illinois. Note that there's also an Adam and Eve Trautvetter living in the household as well.
I decided to look at the same 1860 census entry on Footnote.com to see how different the image was. It was darker, but just as legible. The indexing was the same--but it's always worth it to search at other indexers just to make certain nothing has been overlooked.
We'll be writing about this George and the other George and their military careers in an upcoming issue of Casefile Clues.
29 November 2010
Cyber Monday Discount on Casefile Clues
Casefile Clues is delivered weekly as a PDF file through your email. This will be our last discount of 2010. Other Casefile Clues discounts sometimes get extended. This offer will NOT be extended.
Every week Casefile Clues brings you one or more of the following:
- Sources--Some weeks Casefile Clues focuses on a specific source or type of record, discussing how that source can be accessed, researched, and interpreted.
- Methodology--Some weeks Casefile Clues works on one of Michael's problems. Many times these problems are "in progress," and Casefile Clues reflects that by explaining what was researched, why it was researched, and where to go next (and why).
- Case Studies--Some weeks Casefile Clues focuses on a specific record on a specific person and analyzes that record, discusses what it says (and what it does not) and where to go next based upon that person and the specific record.
- Citations--Casefile Clues includes citations of sources and records. Articles can easily be read without them, but we include citations for those who prefer to have them and we do try and model citations in the style of Evidence Explained.
- Reasons--Casefile Clues tries to give you insight into why certain research avenues were pursued over others. Often the genealogist simply does not have time or money to locate every piece of paper available. Sometimes it is necessary to go with what likely will give us the "most bang for the buck."
- Readable--We work very hard to make Casefile Clues readable. Columns are not "fluff" or generic "how-to" pieces.
- Coverage--Casefile Clues covers all American time periods and records. All families discussed come from the ancestry of Michael's children who lived in a variety of states and countries. All examples are from actual families on which Michael has worked or is working. If you are subscribing when Casefile Clues begins discussing Philip Troutfetter, you'll see that you just can't make this stuff up.
Subscribe now before you forget and the 20% discount is gone.
28 November 2010
Cleaning Mother's House
(c) 2002 Michael John Neill mjnrootdig@gmail.com for reprint requests.
It has been nearly a year since fictional genealogist Barbara passed away. Her daughter Charlene reflects upon that year in a letter to her friend Karen. Charlene truly has been busy. Barbara is probably rolling over in her grave.
As usual, my cards are late. It has been a busy year.
We spent much of the year settling up Mother's estate. The house sold well, but cleaning it took longer than we expected.
You are probably the only person who did not know Mother was a genealogy buff. She told practically every human she encountered. I'm convinced that genealogy "nut" was the most accurate phrase. The stuff was all over the house. The inheritance would have been enough to pay for my new Mercedes had she not insisted on spending money on that blasted hobby. I don't know why she couldn't be more like Tom's mother. Nadine spends her day doing needlepoint and watching reruns of 50s television shows. Tom just does not realize how lucky he is, but men never do. My mother had to run off to cemeteries and courthouses. She even went to a conference in Davenport, Iowa, last year! Can you imagine? Davenport, Iowa! After she got back, she was so excited about all that she had learned and all the fun she had. She was planning on going to another one in California this year. Well the grim reaper took care of that.
Because of my promotion to head of knick knack sales at Garbageforless.com, I had not been home for several years. I was appalled to learn that Mother had converted my old bedroom into her family history "headquarters." My shelves of Teen Beat and other magazines documenting my adolescence had been replaced with old family photographs, copies of old documents, and something called family group sheets. She even got rid of the pants I wore to my first junior high dance. I cried at the thought.
I could not bear to go in the room and be reminded that my childhood had been stripped from me and replaced with an obsession with the past. I told the children that if they would clean the room and prepare the items for the garage (should I say "garbage"?) sale they could have the proceeds. I learned what true entrepreneurs they are.
Kenny stripped Mother's hard drive in under ten minutes. I kept hearing him say "GedCom is GedGone . . . GedCom is GedGone . . ." I have no idea what it meant, but the computer fetched a good price. Before he unplugged the computer, he erased all Mom's floppy disks and downloaded public domain games. He sold these at a nominal price.
Susan took the old photographs to a flea market and was able to sell many of them. Some special labels had to be taken off and we had to take them out of protective envelopes. Mother had written the names on the back of many of them. At least none of those pictures of depressing old dead people had our last name written on them. I don't want to be associated with such sour people.
Mother had some type of old plat book -- whatever that is. Kenny tore out the pages individually and sold them separately on Ebay. It was so clever. His dad said he got much more than if he had left the book in one piece.
Susan didn't tear the bibles apart though. I thought that showed tremendously good sense. She's learning that not everything can be marketed in the same way. The 1790 bible brought her a good penny, but she couldn't get the one from 1900 to bring more than fifty cents. She donated it to a local church, and here is where I am so proud of her. We can write if off as a charitable deduction. Someone had written what they had paid for the bible on the back cover. Susan converted that to 2001 dollars and will use that for our tax deduction amount. I've already enrolled Susan in tax lawyer summer camp this coming August.
There was some old large certificate of written on heavy paper. The silly thing wasn't even in English, so why would Mother keep it? Kenny used the other side to keep track of the things he had sold. Waste not, want not. When we were finished we put the paper in the recycling bin.
The kids put an old wedding dress from the 1870s in the washer to get the stains out. It was terribly filthy. The worthless thing didn't even survive the extra long cycle and the half-gallon of bleach. It's doubtful we can even use it for cleaning rags.
The dress was in some kind of old trunk. I'm not certain what it was for, but it had a name stenciled on the front in huge letters along with the name of a town. Susan gave it a good coating of red paint and sold it as a toy box.
The filing cabinets were emptied of their contents, as were the three shelves of binders. Kenny got the bright idea to shred the paper and sell it in bags as New Year's confetti. The file folders were too heavy to shred.
The baby did not react well to any of this. She cried and fussed almost the entire time. Kenny thought she wanted tea, which made no sense to me at all. As she cried, it sounded like she was saying "family tee." She can't even talk yet and I think Kenny was hearing things. The baby does look exactly like my mother though, it's the oddest thing. The fussing didn't stop until she spit up an entire bottle of strained prunes on my junior high jeans, which we did find in the basement. They were ruined -- it was the one real loss. Now my past has really been taken from me -- magazines and all.
Whether you have a child like Charlene or not, have you thought about what might happen to your genealogy collection upon your demise?
27 November 2010
Three Trientjes in Three Adjacent Households
24 November 2010
One Mayflower Lineage
1) Isaac Allerton (1586-1659 New Haven, CT) and Mary Norris (1588-1622 Plymouth, MA).
2) Remember Allerton (1614 Leiden, Holland-?) and Moses Maverick (died 1686 Marblehead, MA)
3) Abigial Maverick ( 1644 Salem, MA-1685 Salem, MA) and Samuel Ward (1638 Hingham, MA-1690 Quebec)
4) Martha Ward (1672 Salem, MA-1723 Ipswich, MA) and John Tuttle (1666 Ipswich-1715 Ipswich, MA)
5) Samuel Tuttle (1691 Boston, MA-1742 Chelsea, MA) and Abigal Floyd (1691 Chelsea, MA -1773 Chelsea, MA)
6) Tabitha Tuttle (1724 Chelsea, MA -1804 Hubbardston, MA) and Thomas Sargent (1720 Malden, MA-1795)
7) Samuel Sargent (1748 Hubbardston, MA -1819 Marlboro, NH) and Deborah Sylvester (1751 Leicester, MA-1791 Marlboro, NH)
8) Samuel Sargent (1774 Ashby, MA-1841) and Sarah Gibson (1774 Ashby, MA-1847)
9) Clark Sargent (1805-1847 Winnebago County, IL) and Mary Dingman
10) William Ira Sargent (abt. 1845 Ontario-1916 Peoria County, IL) and Ellen Butler
11) Ida Mae Sargent (1874-1939 Quincy, IL) and George Trautvetter (1869 Tioga, IL-1934 Jacksonville, IL)
12) Ida Trautvetter (1910 Hancock County, IL-1994 Carthage, Hancock, IL) and Cecil Neill (1903 Stillwell, Hancock, IL-1968 Keokuk, IA)
Ida Trautvetter Neill was my paternal grandmother. I've got at least one more Mayflower lineage I may get around to posting as well.
23 November 2010
Genealogy Tip of the Day on Amazon.com
22 November 2010
Genealogy Trips for Christmas
- Allen County Public Library Trip with Michael John Neill in 2011
- Family History Library Trip to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City in 2011
Looking for Harm Habbus
I'm trying to locate information on a "Harm Habbus" who apparently was in Clayton Township, Adams County, Illinois, in 1872 or so.
This is part of an 1892 newspaper clipping from the Quincy [Illinois] Daily Journal that references Habbus as the father of a baby born to Volke Behrens, daughter of Ulfert Behrens in Clayton Township.
I'm working on an article on the court case for the next issue of Casefile Clues, but have been unable to locate any information on Harm.
Based upon the name and the location, I'm guessing he was a native of Ostfriesland, Germany. That's merely speculation on my part.
19 November 2010
Last Day to Get Year 1 of Casefile Clues at Discount
Here are Casefile Clues Topics from Year 1:
- 52--Benjamin Butler in 1880 and 1870--correlating an 1880 and 1870 census enumeration when the head of household has a different first name
- 51--Clarifying Clara--a widow's War of 1812 Bounty Land application
- 50--Special Examiner's Report--Discussion of testimony taken by a Special Examiner in a Union Civil War Pension File
- 49--Levi Rhodes' War of 1812 Pension--A discussion and and an analysis of a War of 1812 pension issued in 1871.
- 48--Determining Your Own Chain of Migration--Ways to determine the unique migration chain that your ancestor took
- 47--Finding the Ellen--Finding someone in an 1870 census when she's a child and I don't have the names of the parents. Discusses proximity searches, eliminating false matches, etc.
- 46--Ira Located--the correct marriage record for Ira Sargent was located. This issue includes the image and a complete transcription, an analysis, additional searches that were conducted, and where to go next.
- 45--Organizing My Search for Ira--discusses brainstorming to locate the parents of Ira Sargent, how and why records were prioritized, and how records would be searched.
- 44--Philip Troutfetter in the Special Collections of the Kansas State Historical Society--fraud, postal investigations, and abandoned wives--all from one relative.
- 43--Unacquiring Property--ways your ancestor might have "disposed" of his real estate.
- 42--Multiple Johns--two brothers with the exact same name--apparently.
- 41--Brick Walls from A to Z--the title says it all--ideas for breaking those brick walls
- 40--Finding John--analysis, including charts and maps, in an attempt to find a missing 1870 census enumeration.
- 39--Multiple Marias--Analyzing more than one 1893 obituary for a Swiss immigrant in Iowa.
- 38--From their Mouth to Your Screen. Discusses all the "filters" information passes through.
- 37--Pullman Car Company Employment Records. Discusses several employment records from the Pullman Car Company in Chicago. Discusses William Apgar, Thomas Frame, Louis DeMar.
- 36--Where are they in 1840? Analyzes an individual who is "missing" from an 1840 census. Includes a discussion of how he was "found" and how land records actually solved the problem. Discusses Abraham Wickiser.
- 35--A 1910 Birth. Analyzes primary and secondary sources for a date and place of birth in 1910 and how differences might not be all that different. Discusses Ida Trautvetter.
- 34--Ready to Go? Discusses some things to contemplate regarding your genealogy material before you die.
- 33--Where there is a Will there is Confusion. Analyzes an early 19th century will from Maryland and what the different bequests likely mean and what potentially brought them about. Also discusses different ways some things can be interpreted. Discusses John DeMoss.
- 32--When There is No Probate. Some things to think about when there is no probate file.
- 31--Analyzing the Mortgage. Discusses an 1870 era mortgage in Illinois. Discusses John Ufkes and Rolf Habben.
- 30--Behind the Scenes Chaos. Discusses the importance of thinking about what "caused" a record to be recorded.
- 29--Un-American Activity. Discusses an invesigation by the fore-runner of the FBI into a German-American family in World War I. Discusses the Fecht family.
- 28--Do You Ear What I Ear? Discusses things to remember about how things are heard.
- 27--Analyzing Andrew Trask. Discusses work on an Mass. native (born ca. 1814) who lived in St. Louis, southern-Illinois, and western Illinois where he died in the 1880s. Focuses on analyzing and working on later records to discern patterns, etc. Discusses Andrew Trask.
- 26--Using Google Books.
- 25--Finding Valentine. Steps in locating a man whose only real mention is in an 1870 era estate settlement. Discusses how I organized my search for him.
- 24--The Brick Wall is in Your Head. Talks about ways you may have made your own genealogical brick wall.
- 23--You Ask and I Wonder. Things that pop in my head when a person asks a certain genealogical question.
- 22--Crossing the Pond.
- 21--One Clipping Leads to More.
- 20--Organizing 1870 Census Search--thoughts on organizing online census searches.
- 19--Public Sale--Analyzing an old sale bill.
- 18--Analyzing the Biography--Charting and Organizing what You Know Using a Biography
- 17--Working with the Professional. Getting started with the professional genealogist who is performing Chicago area work for me.
- 16--A Lot from Barbara's Lot. Clues from a series of records on a small lot in a town in rural Illinois betwen 1856 and 1905.
- 15--Finding Gesche's Girls. Tracking down an "evaporating" German native who "condensed" somewhere in the United States.
- 14--Jumpstarting Your Research. Just some ideas to get you started.
- 13--Brick Walls and the Census Taker
- 12--The Heirs Complete the Homestead
- 11--Is the Wrong Name Correct?
- 10--Connecting the Iras. Working to determine if two men of the same name are the same man.
- 09--Pre-1850 Census Analysis. Analzing pre-1850 census records for a family to determine the household structure. Discusses Thomas and Sarah Sledd.
- 08--Platting Out Thomas Sledd's Heirs. Platting out the estate division of the Thomas Sledd estate in Kentucky in the 1830s. Discusses Thomas Sledd family.
- 07--Looking for Ira's Lucretia. Working on my "brick wall" Ira through his sister Lucretia. mid-to-late nineteenth century work.
- 06--The Civil War Pension file of Riley Rampley. An overview of a Union Civil War pension record.
- 05--Finding a Chicago Christening. How a 1913 era Chicago christening record was found. Discusses Anna Apgar.
- 04--Multiple Parents
- 03--Preemption Claim. The Missouri pre-emption land claim of John Lake. Discusses John Lake.
- 02--Passport Records. Discusses an early twentieth century passport application. Discusses Robert Frame.
- 01--Lessons from an Estate Record. Analyzes an 1870 era Illinois set of estate records.
Other Back Issue Purchase Options:
- Issues 1-10 for $5.50
- Issues 11-20 for $5.50
- Issues 21-30 for $5.50
- Issues 31-40 for $5.50
- Issues 41-50 for $5.50
The whole set can be purchased from me directly for only $20.00 until 20 November 2010.
16 November 2010
Nearest Relative on a World War Two Draft Card
I've been browsing the World War II "Old Men's Draft Cards" on FamilySearch looking for good signatures for my "Daily Genealogy Transcriber" page.
This is the card for Virgil Rampley, brother to my great-grandmother Fannie Neill. I really didn't expect her to be listed as the person who would always "know your address," but sure enough she was.
Of course, the relationship was not stated, but if I hadn't know where she lived during World War II this would have been a nice find.
14 November 2010
Genealogy Tip of the Day Is Available on Kindle
Visit this link to subscribe http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004C44H1S
Visit Genealogy Tip of the Day at http://genealogytipoftheday.blogspot.com/
11 November 2010
World War II Draft Registation Card
New Samples of Casefile Clues
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10 November 2010
Friend Discount on Casefile Clues
When your friend subscribes, they should put YOUR name and email in the memo box. That's why it is important they use the link in this blog post. Your friend can request sample copies of Casefile Clues at samples@casefileclues.com.
Oh, this offer ends on Friday at noon West Coast Time.
Questions? Email me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.
William Rampley in 1900 Census in York, Pennsylvania
This is a copy and paste job on part of the 1900 census for W. A. Rampley who appeared in several newspaper entries n the newspaper archive at
He apparently is listed as a "Carriage Builder," aged 33 years old and born in Maryland in the 1900 Census at Ancestry.com
Carriage Shop Burns
Another neat discovery on the newspaper archive at
This article from October of 1899 in the Philadelphia Inquirer indicates that Rampley's carriage factory burned on 11 October 1899. Next goal is to try and find him in the 1900 census as hopefully he's still there.
Might work this up for an issue of Casefile Clues, not yet certain.