I don't often make really interesting discoveries on relatves overseas. Today I did. Ancestry.comrecently released a new set of records on their site and I made what is a major discovery. Reports of Deaths of American Citizens Abroad, 1835-1974
contains information on the death of George Washington Drollette in Hanoi in 1933.
I've mentioned Drollette before and know that he had been in China as early as the very late 1890s. He was a native of Saranac, New York, and apparently remained in Asia until his death in 1933.
I'm not certain if his remains remained in Hanoi or not. There is quite a bit of followup to do here, but it'll have to wait until after the start of the New Year. This probably will be at least one Casefile Clues article and we'll blog post here as well as time allows.
Drollette was the brother of Marie Drollette Desmarais/Demar, my wife's great-great-grandmother.