Ancestry.com's "hint" for my Conrad Haase who died in 1904 in Appanoose Township, Hancock County, Illinois, is a man who was buried in 1902 in Hannover.
Now that's a close match--buried across the Atlantic Ocean before he died.
In all honesty, I realize that Ancestry.com returns this as a "hint" because I could have the date and place of death incorrect.
And people can be buried in a location other the one where they died.
But...still. Can't they set the burial date of the hit to be after the death date I have in my database? Or at least not two years before?
I know that Ancestry.com doesn't listen to me, but here's another idea:
- let users customize their hints.
I'd like to be able to set the parameters on my hints--choosing how close a date had to be to qualify as a "hint," choosing how close a location had to be to be a hint.
Would I miss the occasional "right" person? Sure.
But now I only use the hints to see how far off they are and make blog posts about it.
Certainly if they can create all those apps and all that fancy-schmancy DNA stuff they can figure out a way to let users customize the parameters on the leaf hints?