(UPDATE) So far, STILL no real answers to several things about various websites that I personally find either frustrating or confusing.
- FamilySearch database confusing "of" with place of birth http://rootdig.blogspot.com/2012/05/that-of-makes-big-difference.html
- FamilySearch not clearly indicating what is in an Ohio records database http://rootdig.blogspot.com/2012/05/what-am-i-searching-when-i-search-ohio.html
- Ancestry.com's "leaves" leaving me confused http://rootdig.blogspot.com/2012/05/what-are-you-missing-by-relying-on.html
When NGS is over, maybe I'll start working a little more to find out the answers to these questions. Ancestry.com is working on an answer per a private email conversation I had.