Most presentations are only $6 each and registration is limited!
Title and
Court Records-Pig
Blood in the Snow. This lecture
discusses American court records at the county level where cases were
typically originally heard. Discusses cases of main genealogical relevance
along with searching techniques.
14 November 10:00 am
Central Time
Probate Process—An Overview. Geared towards the advanced beginner
or intermediate researcher, it covered an overview of the process and looked
at selected documents from two probate settlements with a discussion of the
pitfalls to watch out for along the way. Probate records are an
excellent genealogical source--regardless of the time period in which you are
researching and may contain clues about your ancestor, where he lived, his
occupation, etc.
14 November 12 Noon
Central Time
and Tricks for FamilySearch -This webinar discusses ins and outs of using the
"new" family search, searching by family structure,
global searches, interpreting searches and troubleshooting. Also discussed
are strategies when approaching an unindexed set of images, a new
type of record series, or incomplete records. Aimed at advanced beginners and
intermediate level researchers
14 November 2:00 pm
Central Time
Female Ancestors. This presentation discusses approaches and
techniques for determining an ancestor's maiden name and locating
"missing" females. Geared towards the advanced beginner or
intermediate researcher, it focuses on American records and sources. The
content is not specific to any one time period and many of the approaches can
be refined for different locations or types of records. If you are stymied on
your female ancestors--and half your ancestors are female.
10 November 7 pm
Central Time
Sections, Townships,
Base Lines, etc--Land Descriptions in Federal Land States. The presentation focused on interpreting
these descriptions, determining acreages and becoming familiar with the
terminology. This presentation is geared towards those who have had
difficulty using land descriptions or who have avoided using land records
because of the use of legal descriptions. The use of land records for
genealogy and searching those records are not a part of this presentation.
This presentation concentrates on how land is described
10 November 8:30 pm
Central Time
Charts, Charts and
More Charts. Readers of the
newsletter know that I love charts--and I'm not talking about pedigree and
family group charts. Instead I'm talking about charts that organize
information you have in order to see what's missing, notice patterns, and
organize your research. In this webinar, I talk about key elements to include
in any chart, troubleshooting before you get started, brainstorming, and ways
to get creative with your data. Geared towards advanced beginners and
intermediate researchers
12 November at 7:00
pm Central Time
Seeing the
Patterns-Organizing Your Information. This lecture discusses the problem-solving process and a
variety of ways to organize your information with the intent of
getting the research to notice overlooked clues, patterns, trends, and
12 November at 8:30
pm Central Time