27 November 2012

Organizing Genealogical Information: A Short Course

Organizing Genealogical Information:
A Short Course
With Michael John Neill
January 2013
(scroll down for specific schedule)
Organizing information is an important part of genealogical research—perhaps more important than the actual research. This short course (only 4 sessions) is intended to provide the students with exposure to a variety of ways to organize information with an emphasis on problem-solving. The course will consist of four lectures (topics and schedule below), problem assignments, virtual follow-up discussions, group discussion board interaction, and student submission of work (optional). There is no assigned grade—you get from this what you put into it. Students will also be able to share their work and ideas with other students.

Citation of sources is important, but lectures will not focus on citation theory.

Course registration is only $30 for thecourse. Class size is limited to 30 to encourage group interaction (and pay for our Gotomeeting subscription). Attendees will need to register by 8 AM Central Time on 29 December 2012. Class starts on 6 January 2013.
  • Assignment/Study 1Charts, Charts, and More Charts (we will discuss a variety of charts and table to organize your information and your searches—all students work on same problem
  • Assignment/Study 24 Step Research Process (we will discuss a four-step process to research organization)—pick your own problem
  • Assignment/Study 3Constructing Families from pre-1850 Census (discuss of how to ascertain family structure from pre-1850 US census records)---all work on same problem
  • Assignment/Study 4Problem Solving Chart (problem-solving techniques not discussed in previous lectures)– pick your own problem

Lectures will be recorded for those who are unable to attend or have audio/video issues.

Lectures and discussions will be via GotoMeeting.

January 2013
Virtual class
7:00 PM Central
optional discussion at 2:30 PM Central
Virtual class
7:00 PM Central
optional discussion at 2:30 PM Central
Virtual class
7:00 PM Central
optional discussion at 2:30 PM Central
Virtual class
7:00 PM Central
optional discussion at 2:30 PM Central