The 1940 census finds Santa Claus still living in Marshall, Saline County Missouri (ED 98-21). Santa is working as a sewer worker. There is no 1940 agricultural census to determine if Santa had any reindeer or not.
Seriously though, I never noticed that there is a box on the 1940 census to check if the entry is continued on the next page. I'm not certain I ever noticed it before as always look at the next page whenever I find any census entry.
It is enough to almost make me go back and look at all the other US censuses that were taken on standard forms to see if there's fine print in the corners that I have somehow missed or forgotten about.
After all, it's often the fine print that gets us in trouble.
Reminder: On the blog we don't cite items completely--that's just our preference. There is always enough information for a reader to determine where the original information was obtained. If there's not, I'm always glad to add it. Those who wish to learn more about the specifics of citation for genealogical purposes should consult Elizabeth Shown Mills' Evidence Explained: Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace 2nd Edition