The testimony, made out on 6 January 1876 indicates that Oades had a wife and eight children. I'm not certain right now how that fits into what I have on Joseph and Emma--they are living in separate households in the 1875 Nebraska State Census, but this document may still be referring to her as his wife. I'm going to have to sit down and look at the children from the 1875 in both households to see just how reasonable this is. To be really honest, I just searched for Joseph Oades on Footnote.com on a whim to see what results there were.
I also need to obtain divorce records for Joseph and Emma as she married again in Iowa and he lives in Nebraska for some time after this homestead was completed.
This record was scanned and indexed Footnote.com which is where this image was lcoated. Footnote.com is adding the homestead records to their website.
We'll have updates here on the blog and probably a longer article in an upcoming issue of Casefile Clues.