I finally got the "famous relative" section of the trees at Ancestry.com to work. I've posted the image showing the connection of my great-grandmother, Tjode Anna Goldenstein to Cornelia Melyn, the supposed 3rd grandmother of Julia Gardiner, wife of President Tyler.
The lineage of my great-grandmother is correct. The earliest ancestor shown is Ancke Jansen, who died in Ostfriesland, Gemany in 1719. Ancke is the mother of Johann Hinrichs, who died in 1768 (my line) and the mother of Johan De Lange, born in 1728. Ancestry gives this relationship 4 stars (out of 5) for reliability.
There are other interesting things in the lineage on the right, including a person born in 1848 having a child born in 1628. Clicking on the graphic will pull up a larger image.
I love the indexes and other finding aids Ancestry.com has to census and other original records. This stuff is something else.