I spent a few minutes today playing on Google Books after a few Casefile Clues readers reported success after reading issue 27. Each hog was given a name and their pedigrees are shown through the grandparents. Typical for animal breeders
The book image here is from the 1911 and was located by searching on rampley "west point." The W. Rampley shown here I am reasonably certain is my great-grandmother's brother. They were children of Riley and Nancy Newman Rampley. There are a few of Nancy's family that I'm trying to track down.
Notice to whom W. Rampley sold several of these hogs--A. W. Newman of Hurdland, Missouri. This may be a clue in locating a few lost members of the Newman clan--and all from a 1911 directory of hog breeders. Not what one would expect.
And for those who wonder what a Chester White is, we've added an image here to this post. It's not one of the sows listed on this page, but it gives off the farm readers an idea.
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