The entry, partially highlighted here, indicates that George A. Trautvetter enlisted on 18 February 1865 and was mustered in on the same day. It also indicates he deserted.
There was another George Trautvetter who served in the 15th Missouri Infantry, Company H who I blogged about before after finding those records on Footnote.com. That George enlisted in Keokuk, Iowa, a very short distance from where George A. Trautvetter lived. I had assumed the George Trautvetter who enlisted in the Missouri regiment and the one listed in this regiment were the same one. Now I am not so certain as George A. Trautvetter's biography contains details not consistent with him enlisting in the Missouri regiment.
It might really be time to obtain the Civil War pension for George A. Trautvetter and see what it has to say about his service---of course if he actually deserted there won't be one.
Who is the other George? Is it a different George? I'm starting to wonder. The problem is: who?