This scan comes from marriages in the Northumberland parish of Haltwhistle in 1819. I must have had the settings better on this one as the image is generally sharper and retains that sharpness when I zoom in.
I scanned the entire page when making the digital image, but the year of the record was only written on the very top of the page and that was cut off when I cropped the image to show the desired entry.
I still think it is really neat that at this point in time the marriage records included the signature of the bride and groom--Robert Liddell and Jane Cowing. Of course, the name was spelled Liddel on the document by the curate, Richard Grainger.
This scan was made on the newer machines in the Family History Libary. And hopefully if time allows, it will be part of an article for my weekly column "Casefile Clues."