Land records have long interested me and I've decided it is time to get some copies of files from BLM that I have been neglecting to obtain. A researcher I have do work for me at NARA has agreed to locate some more files and I'm preparing my order to send to her.
I've got a list.....
- An ancestor and his brother who speculated in federal land in Indiana
- The man who was a witness on a relative's preemption claim
- A man who bought land for reasons that are not clear
- A homestead claim that was completed by the children of the deceased homesteader
- AND a BLM casefile on Philip Troutfetter--the man who was involved in just about everything.
We'll be blogging about these when they arrive as time allows and a few will be used in upcoming "Casefile Clues" articles. BLM land records are a very small proportion of all the land records available, but they are important nevertheless. Those who want to search the BLM patent database can do so here: