This is part of the manifest for the Ernst Moritz Arndt which landed in New Orleans on 13 June of 1853.
There is a reasonable chance that the 53 year old Andreas Schollmeyer is my wife's ancestor of the same name. There is only one problem: the tear in the manifest. The entry before Andreas Schollmeyer appears to be that of Frederich Schollmeyer and his family (including wife Catherine and children Nicodemus, Dorothe, and Elisabeth). The problem is that one transciber thinks that the Schollmeyers are from "Lohr" which is the village of residence which is partially shown in the upper right corner of the first image.
The second image contains a larger view of the "Lohr" above the Schollmeyer's town of origin and the column for the destination. I think that the blob is large enough that it easily could cover another location.
The column for destination (which contains "New Orleans") in the entry for the family before the Schollmeyers, clearly contains something other than "New Orleans" and does not contain ditto marks in the column for Frederick (the third line in the image shown). I think it might be "Iowa" for reasons we'll announce in a future entry.