03 July 2012

A Non-Typical Cash Land Sale

[note--this is a posting that was originally posted by accident to the Casefile Clues blog earlier today--so if you read it there--just skip it here. This is where I originally meant to post it and will be more careful in the future.]

This is an interesting cash land sale from the Bureau of Land Management. The patent was issued in 1830 to James Shores, Assignee of Thomas J. Rampley, decd. I'm curious as to the time frame as Thomas Rampley died in Ohio in 1823. A few years elapsed between Rampley's death and the issuance of the patent.

Cash land purchases are usually pretty non-informational (is that a word?). Usually these files are just receipts and an order to issue the patent and typically do not contain lots of good "genealogical" information. But this record may be a little different. These records are actually at the National Archives. A researcher who typically gets these for me is working on obtaining copies. We'll have an update and probably a detailed article in an upcoming issue of Casefile Clues.

The purchase was in Coshocton County, Ohio--as evidenced by this screen shot of the patent detail screen:

These images and the information used to create this post comes from the Bureau of Land Management website http://www.glorecords.blm.gov