[note--this is a posting that was originally posted by accident to the Casefile Clues blog earlier today--so if you read it there--just skip it here. This is where I originally meant to post it and will be more careful in the future.]
Cash land purchases are usually pretty non-informational (is that a word?). Usually these files are just receipts and an order to issue the patent and typically do not contain lots of good "genealogical" information. But this record may be a little different. These records are actually at the National Archives. A researcher who typically gets these for me is working on obtaining copies. We'll have an update and probably a detailed article in an upcoming issue of Casefile Clues.
The purchase was in Coshocton County, Ohio--as evidenced by this screen shot of the patent detail screen:
These images and the information used to create this post comes from the Bureau of Land Management website http://www.glorecords.blm.gov