The image on this post is one of the new 1900 census images on (clicking on the image will bring up a larger version). These images have been shared with by the Family History Library--they are (or will be) on the FamilySearch website.
The images are sharp--this one is from St. Albans Township, Hancock County, Illinois, and is for my 2nd great-grandfather, Samuel Neill (notice that they got "Neill" spelled correctly this time). It is time for me to go back and review other 1900 enumerations that were difficult to read and view them again. Maybe I'll notice something I did not before.
From Ancestry's press release:
"The first census exchanged is the 1900 U. S. Census. FamilySearch completed a 1900 index in addition to’s original. In the new index, FamilySearch added several new fields of searchable data, such as birth month and birth year, so individuals can search for ancestors more easily. The two indexes will be merged into an enhanced index, available on both sites. The new 1900 census images are now available on
The enhanced 1900 index will be available for free for a limited time at and ongoing at"
The enhanced census images at are nice for those who already have access to the site. And improved census images are always good to have, especially for those images that have previously been difficult to read.
Those wanting to search the new the 1900 U. S. Census can do so by clicking on the link in this sentence.