This screenshot is the entire page from a image I have been working on for Samuel Rhodes. The reduced size shows the whole page and is discussed in more detail below.

The image showsn is part of the Revolutionary War Pension file for Samuel Rhodes from Virginia located on the site. I am having difficulty reading the name of the Colonel in whose regiment Rhodes served. It looks like Febucker, but I'm not certain that is correct.
I posted a comment there as well on the image. This will appear on the comments section of the page if anyone else pulls up the same image.
They can see the comment I posted and if they have a different rendering of the name, they can post a comment to my comment. I really like the way the allows users to interact with the documents on their site.
Hopefully someone else can read the name in a different way or knows something about this Virginia unit.
Researchers can search for their own ancestors.
You can search the Revolutionary War Rolls on I searched the Virginia set of Revolutionary War Pensions at , users interested in other stats can browse to those as well.
The Beta Test of Advanced Search at also allows for some narrowing of searching. Personally if I know what database I want to search, I start at the main site and navigate my way to the specific database I want.
And if anyone is a descendant of this Samuel Rhodes, I'd be interested in communicating.