I made a copy of this on paper from microfilm years ago, but last year on my trip to Salt Lake, I made a digital copy directly from the microfilm which I really find preferable. Last year while with my group in Salt Lake, I made several hundred scans of documents and not one paper copy. It was a good decision.
I've been reveiewing John lately. He was one of those ancestors on whom I thought I knew everything. As I have now completely researched his land transactions and those of his parents, I've noticed a few things about the family that I had not noticed before, some of which are genealogically relevant and some of which are merely interesting. I'm working up the land records, with a few other necessary materials included, for an upcoming issue of Casefile Clues.
Unfortunately the Family History Library in Salt Lake has not mircofilmed church records in Wildprechtroda and Helmershausen where the Trautvetter family hails from in Thuringen.