Michael John Neill's genealogy website. Things that cross my path, general research suggestions, and whatever else ...with a little bit of attitude. I don't post "news" just to post it, never post a press release (edited or otherwise), don't feign excitement, and pretty much say what I think.
29 October 2008
Using Meyers Orts to find German Locations
Western Michigan Seminar-Grand Rapids
- Seeing Patterns
- Brick Walls from A to Z
Readers are welcome to come up and introduce themselves after the lectures.
Those who would like me to present at their conference or seminar can email me for more information at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.
Pictures from the Newspaper

28 October 2008
Spanish Language Paper mentions Siebels Murder
The newspaper that printed this reference was located on Genealogy Bank and listed as the Prensa in Texas. I'm not exactly certain where in Texas it was published, but this reference comes from 6 January 1930.
This was located by searching on Genealogy Bank's newspapers for Haldiman, and limiting my search years to 1929-1931. It doesn't contain any real new information, but does make the point that one never knows what language one might find information in.
Siebel[sic] was actually Siebels. The German speaking family most likely could not have read this newspaper reference. It's not too hard for me to read it, but it has been nearly two decades since my high school Spanish days.
More on Ben Siebels Murder--1930 Tyro, Kansas
Ben Siebels (actually John B. in this enumeration) was listed individually in Caney Township, Montgomery County, Kansas, in the 1930 census. He is listed as a gas station attendant in this reference which was located on Ancestry.com . His parents (Ben and Mary) are also enumerated on the same census page.
The one clipping shown in this blog post was located on Genealogy Bank and comes from the Dallas Morning News of 30 December 1930. It was located (as can be seen in the image) by searching for Everett Haldiman. There are several name variants that I could also search for as I attempt to learn more about this case. It is certainly tragic.
Ben Siebels maternal grandmother was Annepken Hinrichs Ufkes Habben (1831-1905).
Siebels Murder

26 October 2008
Using Meyers Orts
The first one was an overview of using Meyers Orts and the 19th and 20th century topographical maps at Ancestry.com. Those who have never used Meyers Orts might want to give the article a look as it provides a few examples and suggests additional finding references to help the user when working with these materials.
The second one was a follow up focusing on a family who just could not seem to stay in one place and whose records in the United States gave a variety of places of birth. It also provides suggestions as well about navigating the German topographical maps at Ancestry.com
23 October 2008
Searching the Social Security Death Index for Middle Names
My grandmother died on 9 September 2008 in Bradenton, Florida. It was a few weeks later when her name appeared in the Social Security Death Index --first at Genealogy Bank. I did not print out the reference, but I really did not think I had seen her maiden name in the original entry. When I searched for her again today. The entry was there--with her maiden name as her middle name.
I went and searched at Ancestry.com to see what results I obtained on their site. I was hoping they were using an "older" version of the database.
Ancestry.com was apparently using the same version of the SSDI as GenealogyBank was--the results also had Grandma's maiden name listed on the entry (the second image in this post).
I also searched for Grandma at FamilySearch and there found her without the middle name. Unfortunately, my quick experimentation with FamilySearch's SSDI leads me to conclude that they do not return middle names or initials in the search results even if that information is in the SSDI (this is based upon my quick search of Ufkes relatives who appeared in the SSDI at Ancestry.com and GenealogyBank with middle names or initials).
I still could have sworn the entry for Grandma I located a few weeks ago did not have her maiden name included and actually included her middle initial of "A." But maybe I was dreaming.
At least I learned that the Social Security Death Index at FamilySearch does not give middle names or initials in the search results.
And of course, the SSDI at Rootsweb, hasn't been updated yet to include Grandma's entry.
20 October 2008
Uncle Virgil in UK Incoming Passenger Lists 1878-1960
18 October 2008
Genealogy Bank Adding Content

03 October 2008
2009 Trip To Salt Lake City
We stay at the Plaza, right next door to the Library.
Those who want to learn more about our trip can visit our website at www.rootdig.com/slctrip.html
Questions can be emailed to me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com
02 October 2008
Perjury claim in Troutfetter case
Cook County Illinois Declarations of Intent
Please read about the collection before searching. Not quite the time period I need, but we all can't be lucky.
Genealogy Week-Galesburg, Illinois-March 2009
Days and Topics:
· 9 March 2009-Using Ancestry.com
· 10 March 2009-Using Footnote.com
· 11 March 2009-Using FamilySearch.org
· 12 March 2009-Using Land Records
· 13 March 2009-Genealogy Problem Solving
· 14 March 2009-Using Non-English Language Records
This is our 11th year of having a whole week of genealogy at the college. We are excited about our new offerings and topics. Registration is for whatever days you choose and is $40 a day. All materials are included and web-based offerings are in a computer lab. Registration is limited. For more information email me at mjnrootdig@gmail.com.