Michael John Neill's genealogy website. Things that cross my path, general research suggestions, and whatever else ...with a little bit of attitude. I don't post "news" just to post it, never post a press release (edited or otherwise), don't feign excitement, and pretty much say what I think.
31 October 2007
Separating Delayed Twins

How was Habben read on the 1867 manifest?
Our earlier post today regarding the Habben family's manifest from 1867 indicated I was having difficulty finding the same entry on Ancestry.com in their index. After some creative searching, I discovered the name was read by the indexers at Ancestry as "Walelsen." I can see it now that I know what they thougth it was. Of course, it looks like "Habben" to me, but that's because I already know what it is.
Compiled Virginia Civil War Confederate Records

Footnote has completed digitizing the Compiled Service Records for Virginia during the American Civil War.
The image shown here is one of the cards for John W. Sledd which indicates he spent some time at the hospital in Richmond.
This image has been reduced for faster loading, but the actual images on footnote are high quality and print nicely.
These records are currently searchable by name of soldier on Footnote.com.
Finding a manifest a second time
This is part of the 21 Oct 1867 arrival manifest for the Union which landed in New York City.
The names are intended to be:
- Mimke Habben
- Antje Habben
- Trientje Habben
- L[ubbe] Habben
- Jasper Habben
- H.
- John
- M.
- J.
- Ger.
- Inft.
The names are a little "off" from what they actually are, but they are very close considering.
I actually located the reference several years ago using the Germans to America series--which included the last name spelled as "Habben." I am trying to find the family in Ancestry.com's indexes and so far have struck out. I'll keep trying and post a followup message on how these names appear in their database.
Taking Notes When Photographing Stones
Leaving out the details on a death certificate

Can You Read it? (not one of mine...)
Nancy from the Gen-Newbie mailing list was having difficulty reading the back of this photograph, so I offered to post it here for her.
Anyone able to read it or having a guess can post a reply below.
30 October 2007
Getting Ready for San Antonio
I'll be presenting on World War 1 and 2, Female Ancestors, Brick Walls, and Newspapers. Readers of the blog or the Ancestry World Journal columns are welcome to come up and introduce themselves after the workshop.
Picture of Nancy Newman Rampley (1846-1923)

Trautvetter Portraits
29 October 2007
Annual ACPL Research Trip May 2008
28 May - 1 June 2008
In the next few weeks, we will be posting our brochure which will contain fees and other registration information. We always have a great time at the library and get a good amount of research accomplished as well.
Folks joining us from the St. Louis area can ride the bus to Ft. Wayne. Those joining us from other areas, pay a lower fee and make their own transportation arrangements.
More information is available at http://www.rootdig.com/acpltrip.html
Our trip blog is at http://www.rootdig.com/labels/acpltrip.html
We'd love to have you join us.
Census Searching Reminders
The article can be viewed here on Ancestry.com's blog.
27 October 2007
Minor Naturalizations and Smith Article
This is the link to the article by Marian Smith on Women and Naturalization that we also discussed:
Article On Levi Rhodes discussed in St. Charles
There is also a four part series here on analyzing pre-1850 census records:
23 October 2007
US Civil War Pensions to be digitized
National Archives and the Genealogical Society of Utah (GSU)Announce Digitizing Partnership
Washington, D.C.
Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein and Wayne Metcalfe, vice president of the Genealogical Society of Utah,today announced a five-year partnership agreement to digitize case files of approved pension applications of widows of Civil War Union soldiers from the National Archives.
GSU has many years of experience microfilming historical records at the National Archives and throughout the world and in recent years has moved to providing digital capture and publishing services. Digitization makes possible unprecedented access to the unique historic documents in the custody of the National Archives.This partnership will begin with a pilot project to digitize, index,and make available the first 3,150 of the pension files.
Upon successful completion of the pilot, GSU, doing business as FamilySearch, in conjunction with Footnote.com, intends to digitize and index all 1,280,000 Civil War and later widows' files in the series. These records, of great interest to genealogists and others, are currently available only at the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C.The widows' pension application files, a rich source of information about ordinary American citizens of the time, include supporting documents such as affidavits, depositions of witnesses, marriage certificates, birth records, death certificates, and pages from family bibles."
"For a number of years we have had a very productive relationship with FamilySearch," said Professor Allen Weinstein. "This agreement expands our relationship to enable online access to some of the most popular and voluminous records in our holdings. It is an exciting step forward for our institutions and for the American people," he added."There is an unbelievable treasure trove of genealogical information housed in the records of the National Archives; the vast majority of which genealogy enthusiasts have never seen," said Wayne Metcalfe."The growing digital collection and indices that will stem from this relationship will be a priceless resource for countless family historians and researchers."
FamilySearch will make the digitized materials available for free through http://www.familysearch.org/ and in 4500 family history centers worldwide, or on a subscription-based website operated by a third party,subject to National Archives approval. They will also be available at no charge in National Archives' research rooms in Washington, DC, and regional facilities across the country. In addition, FamilySearch will donate to the National Archives a copy of all the digital images and the associated indexes and other metadata that they create.This agreement is one of a series of agreements that the National Archives has reached or will reach with partners to digitize portions of its holdings.
Michael's Comment:
I've known this was coming for several months---needless to say I am extremely excited that these fragile records will be preserved and that a public announcement can be made!
22 October 2007
Mapping the Sledds in Kentucky
- Thomas Sledd's estate was actually probated in Bourbon County, shortly after his death in 1814.
- This plat is actually upside down (which I learned when I used DeedMapper to plat the properties out using the legal descriptions)
- This document was recorded in Nicholas County, Kentucky.
This image was made from a microfilm scan I made while at the Family History Library last May on our annual trip. I have only reproduced the part of the deeds that show the map.
Thomas Sledd was my 5th great-grandfather, his daughter Belinda (Melinda) married Augusta Newman in 1815 and is my 4th great-grandmother.
Another helpful scan I made was the "title" page from the microfilm. I then saved that image along with the scan from the deed books so I could track my source. And we all know how important that is.
In a future post, we'll talk about how DeedMapper was used to plat the properties out "correctly."
19 October 2007
Getting Ready for Saratoga Springs, New York
If any regular blog readers or Ancestry.com readers are in attendance, please come up at some point and introduce yourself. We will be talking about planning research trips, researching newspapers, problem-solving, and more.
18 October 2007
Georgia Death Cerficiates online
Georgia recently uploaded an index of it's death certificates from 1919-1927. There are many search options, including first and last name.
The nice thing is that if one does an "advanced" search, one can search all the name fields, including those of the parents. This made it easier for me to track the movements of some extended members of the Rampley family, including Rachel, whose son's Samuel Mosley's death certificate from 1921 is partially shown on the left.
I'll be spending more time with advanced search. Feel free to post your tips for using the site here as well.
17 October 2007
The Church in Wiesens
I found the church in Wiesens, where 3 of my great-great-grandparents were born and christened:
- Jann M. Habben (1859-1939)
- Anke Fecht Habben (1860-1941)
- Jans Jurgens Janssen (1856-1929)
The Habbens died in Elvaston and Janssen died near Basco, both in Hancock County, Illinois.
Found some neat pictures of the church in Etzel, where two of my third great-grandparents were born:
- Bernard Dirks (1825-1913)
- Heipke Mueller Dirks (1832-1924)
Those two died near Coatsburg, in Adams County, Illinois.
There's lots more--which happens when you are one-half Ostfriesen, but I'll end the posting with just these two. The site is fairly easy to navigate and provides good geographic information as well for Ostfriesen genealogists.
The Ostfriesens are one of my favorite groups to research, but I am a little bit biased ;-)
Get it RIGHT, CNN!
At any rate, CNN also apparently thinks Mareen Duvall is a female, referring to her as "she" in the article. Both Cheney and Obama are descendants of Mareen Duvall, a French Huguenot who settled in Maryland. Duvall was a male. Minor little detail there.
Cheney apparently is also descended from Maryland immigrant Richard Cheney.
Oh wow. My Thomas Chaney (1750s-1856 Bedford County Pennsylvania) is supposedly descended from the same Richard.
The Bedford County history says my Thomas Chaney was a noted hunter in early years. There is no record of my Thomas accidentally shooting any humans though.
11 October 2007
"The Gipper" dug up for a DNA test
A relative of Gipp's requested the test, but reasons were not immediately clear.
Kinda makes me think about being cremated ;-)
10 October 2007
Editing the census...
The entry for two-year old Noe Gorsuch in Harlem Township, Delaware County, Ohio, contains an editorial comment apparently made after the returns were submitted. Someone has written in a very small hand "Noah?" by the name, apparently wondering if the intent was Noah Gorsuch instead of Noe. This child appears in household entry 669 for Thomas Gorsuch.
Interestingly enough, entry for household 667 in the same township also contains a Noe and this entry has no such comment wondering if the child was really Noah.
Reminder for Genealogy Users of Ebay
I ususally try and find the book for sale somewhere else online and then use that to base my bid--assuming of course that the book is still in print.
Save your extra genealogy money for copies ;-)
08 October 2007
More Revolutionary Pensions At Footnote.com
Those wanting to see samples can view pages from the file of Elam Blain here.
You can find your own ancestors in the Revolutionary War pension files at Footnote.com
06 October 2007
World Vital Records
This current offer at World Vital Records includes two years of membership and a copy of RootsMagic for $49.95. World Vital Records has added some census images and is working on adding more of these materials to their site--indexes are forthcoming as well. They are adding a variety of databases to their site and their data may complement nicely other databases to which you subscribe or those to which you have access at your local library.
Those unaware of the materials World Vital Records offers can get a listing all databases on their site.
Disappearing Ancestors in Census Records
Disappearing Ancestors in Census Records
You have found your ancestor in the 1820 and 1830 censuses, but he
cannot be located in the 1840 census. What can you do? There are
several approaches, but one idea is to locate his 1820 and 1830
neighbors in the 1840 census and see if your ancestor is nearby with
his name woefully misspelled or written in a barely legible fashion.
It is possible that your ancestor moved out of state; locating those
1820 and 1830 neighbors in that "new" location may allow you to find
your ancestor living there among them.
Of course, it is always possible that your ancestor is dead in 1840
and not enumerated at all. And there is always the chance that if he
is living with one of his grown children in 1840 that the grown child
is listed as the head of the household. In this case, the ancestor is
there, but just one of the "tic" marks for an older family member.
Early Bird Registration Discount on Salt Lake Research Trip
trip to Salt Lake City, Utah, in May of 2008. Regular price is $250,
but early registrants can sign up for $200. Trip planning begins with
registrants as soon as deposit and registration form is received.
Planning for a week at the Family History Library is something best
done slowly over time, not at the last minute. This is especially true
for those who have never been to the library before. Organization of
your research materials takes some time as does adequate planning.
The registration price includes my help and consultations (both before
the trip and at the library), help with using online databases at the
library, morning presentations, and Sunday morning brunch. For more
information on the trip our website
has more information.
Or I can be reached at mjnrootdig@gmail.com
03 October 2007
George Drollette--Secretary to US Chinese Ambassador
As mentioned in an earlier post, I requested papesr from George Drollette from the National Archives. The package arrived this week and most of the information in the package consisted of letters of recommendation for Drollette to become Edwin H. Conger's secretary while Conger was Ambassador to China. There are also recommendations for a promotion for Drollette, but it is unclear if Drollette ever received the promotion. I need to determine if there are other records besides the ones I received from the Archives.
Drollette's wife wrote several letters in support of his promotion. Apparently he was in China for at least three years without his wife and child. His child, Elmore Drollette, appears in the 1910 census with his maternal grandparents in Indiana.
More work needs to be done. We'll post additional details as we get them.
Librarian Position at the Allen County Public Library
From the website posting:
"...you must possess an ALA-accredited master of library science degree with knowledge of genealogical librarianship acquired through appropriate undergraduate or graduate course work in history, archives, and genealogy. Previous genealogical research experience and one year’s library experience are desired..."
Those who are interested can visit the Library's job openings page directly:
World Vital Records adds US Census Records
Census images 1790-1880 are currently on the site and indexes are apparently in the works. According to the site, images are free for ten days after their intial release. World Vital Records will be adding the census images through 1930, including indexes. This is a nice option for those who need the census records and not some of the other records that are on other online sites. A subscription to World Vital Records is currently $49.95 a year. Might be time to ask Santa for an early present.
01 October 2007
Auction Houses that won't sell
"Auction houses that won't sell"
Does it mean auction houses have things they will not sell or does it mean you can auction your own home if your own home does not sell?
The latter was the intent.
Make certain your genealogical writing is clear as well. If something can be interpreted in more than one way, rephrasing is probably necessary. Creating ambuigity is never a good thing for the genealogist.
Back from Las Vegas
Some of the links mentioned in the lectures will be listed here again for those who were unable to get them during the presentations:
European Research:
Other Links:
For those that asked about our research trip to Salt Lake City, Utah next May--there is more information here and an update is in the works.
Thanks to Henry for my tour of the Hoover Dam. That was quite a spectacle as well.