25 September 2013

She's Around Doing Something in 1860 in Allen County, Indiana

I'm not exactly certain what this occupation is in this 1860 census reference from Allen County, Indiana. A fan of Genealogy Tip of the Day on Facebook posted it and I thought I'd post it here for readers to view.

Any thoughts?

Here is the "zoomed in" version:

And the full page


I'm a strong believer in citations and in my work (and in Casefile Clues) I cite material in the spirit of Evidence Explained. Here on the Rootdig blog, I have a different philosophy. Posts made here have enough information that the reader could locate where the material was obtained.


  1. I'd say it looks like rickenortering around, which in turn seems like a phonetic spelling of reconnoitering around. Maybe she's famous for gathering gossip and the census taker is having a dig?

  2. Reckenortering around. (Misspelling of reconnoitering.)

  3. Anonymous7:14 PM

    It may be pick and sorting around or something like that. Of course I have no idea what that would be.

  4. I think it's a misspelling of ripsnorting.

    Standard definition: showing great vigor or intensity.

    The urban dictionary defines it as:

    How a wild boar acts when he goes crazy, such as when he enters a strawberry patch or a chicken coop.

  5. Laborer and reconnoitering around

    This census taker can't spell, but he is clever enough to sound it out.

  6. Mary Ann D.11:04 PM

    "Reconnoiter" is a verb defined as:

    To go to (a place or area) in order to find out information about a military enemy : to do a reconnaissance of (a place).

    So I'm thinking that because it's 1860, maybe the person is a "SPY!"

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Seems everyone feels the same way I do about this occupation and the enumerators "dig." Maybe "Snooping" would have been more accurate!!!

  8. I've of the mind to think that the 61-year old's occupation is some sort of reference to the fact that she's living in someone else's household besides her own. Either she's bouncing around from relative to relative or just deciding where to live.

    And the reference could be a snide commentary on the fact that she's a little "nosy."

  9. And an incorrect rendering of "ripsnorting" is possible as well as a commenter noted. That could be an indication that she's "nosing" around into everyone's business.

  10. I am in agreement with the "nosy" part. According to Johnson's Dictionary (1836), reconnoiter is to view. Maybe she spent her days watching all her neighbor's. This enumerator apparently had a sense of humor, even if he can only spell phonetically. (http://tinyurl.com/k7vs9px)

  11. I am in agreement with the "nosy" part. According to Johnson's Dictionary (1836), reconnoiter is to view. Maybe she spent her days watching all her neighbor's. This enumerator apparently had a sense of humor, even if he can only spell phonetically. (http://tinyurl.com/k7vs9px)
