01 August 2013

BCG Certification: "On the Clock"

For a variety of personal and professional reasons, I've decided to seek certification from the Board for Certification of Genealogists and am "on the clock." Occasional posts here may mention this process, but this blog will not turn into a certification diary in any way.


  1. Donna Gerber6:40 AM

    Good luck! I am hoping to start this myself sometime in the next year. Will look forward to any posts you do have on the process.

  2. Good luck!!! I too am hoping to begin the process sometime in the near future. I will be waiting with bated breath to read your posts on your BCG journey. Again, good luck!

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Glad to hear it, Michael! BCG Certification is on my goal list for next year. Keep the posts coming! Linda Polich

  4. Best of luck to you! I will also be watching your progress as I hope to begin the process in the next year.
