07 June 2008

Charting Relationships for Specific Individuals

I posted this to another genealogical mailing list, but was hoping that a blog reader might have a suggestion.


Anna Fecht married Bertus Grass (brother to my gg grandmother Noentje Grass), which makes her my aunt by marriage. This same Anna Fecht was also a double first cousin of Jans Janssen (a gg grandfather of mine) and a single first cousin to Anke Fecht (another gg grandmother of mine). Anna Fecht's nephew, Harm Fecht, married a sister of another gg-grandfather, Jann Habben. Now that everyone is as confused as I am , I have a question.

Question: Is there any genealogical program that will allow me to choose just these people and chart their relationships? I don't want charts with all ancestors or all descendants of some individual(s) in my database--I want to chart just these people. I could easily make one chart manually. The problem is I have numerous double/triple or even quadruple relationships in my low-German families and would like something to at least give me a working chart which I could tweak. I am not really interested in charting extremely distant relationships, but am desiring to chart those connections of which the indivdiduals involved were likely aware.

An extended question: I would also like to be able to choose say 5 or 6 specific people in my database and chart their connections/relationships. Again, I do not want hourglass trees, descendant or ancestor trees. I want to choose a few people and just show their connection(s) to each other. I use these to keep the kinship "straight" when I'm working on a specific group of families.

I could make the charts manually, but would rather there were something that could take my database I already have.

1 comment:

  1. A couple of different sources tell me that GenBox will do what I want to do, or at least come much closer than anything else.
