07 May 2007

Famous Census Images are GONE!

At the "request" of The Generations Network we have pulled all our famous census images. This has been a fun project, but unfortunately until I have time to view the NARA microfilm myself for each entry there is not much I can do.

Oh, we had to pull the draft cards and ship manifest images as well.


  1. This is really too bad. I think your "famous folks" were one of the most entertaining of any of the genealogy datasets online. These will be missed...

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    What a shame! I wonder if TGN considered the goodwill factor when they asked you to remove them. It seems to me that TGN has become much more concerned with the bottom line. I can understand and respect their need to protect their assets, but I thought your image snippets were an advertisement for their services. Seems really short-sighted of them, but they've cut off their corporate noses to spite their face on more than one occasion lately. I was a subscriber of both Ancestry.com and Genealogy.com for more than 5 years, but I canceled my membership in February. I don't anticipate rejoining unless they experience a major attitude adjustment.

  3. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Ever considered using images from HeritageQuest instead?
