03 January 2013

Using the Old Search Located Theodore in 1900

A follower on Twitter mentioned that the search I was unable to perform earlier today on the 1900 census (using a year of birth when the year of birth and age for a person were inconsistent) could be done on the "old search." It worked correctly as expected with no difficulties.

This is the search screen--in the old search.

Here is the result:

Exactly what I was expecting to find.

I've tried to use the "new search" (the one that comes up by default) as the advantages of it are constantly being touted by  Ancestry.com and quite a few professionals.

However, this is not the first time that the old search has worked exactly the way I thought it should when the new search did not.

The old search gives the researcher control--and without the "dropdown" list of places that has been a continual thorn in my side due to missing locations.

And I like control and things that work they way they are supposed to.

The instructions for toggling back and forth are copied from my Search Tip of the Day blog.

Toggling Between New and Old Search at Ancestry.com

There are still times when the "old search" aAncestry.com is preferable to the "new search" at Ancestry.com. Do you know how to go back and forth between the two?

On the main  Ancestry.com home page, slide your mouse to the word "Search" on the upper left hand portion of your window. When you do that you should see a menu come up--click on "Search all Records." 

Then in the upper right part of that page you should see a small link that says "go to old/new search." Clicking on that link will take you to the "other" search form.



  1. Thanks for posting! I didn't realize there was an option!

  2. Neither did I !
