For those who are new...
I currently write and maintain the following blogs:
- Genealogy Tip of the Day
- One quick tip every day on a wide variety of topics--meant to be short, quick, and to the point.
- Postings on a variety of research topics--difficulties with websites, quick analysis of records or sources, some opinion, research methdology, etc. No press releases, no "news," and no posting of offers from database providers, equipmentn sellers, etc.
- Genealogy Transcriber
- One piece of handwriting posted everyday--can you read it?
- Search Tip of the Day
- A database search tip--published irregularly--not really every day, but I don't post something just so I can say i posted something every day. Focuses on database and web searching.
- Casefile Clues Blog
- A blog that complements my fee-based how-to newsletter, Casefile Clues.
Viewing or subscribing to the above blogs are free.