18 November 2012

Who Was this Justice of the Peace in Ontario County, New York?

For an upcoming Casefile Clues article and my own research, I'm transcribing this document and analyzing it as much as possible. We've mentioned this claim of Rufus D. Stephens before.

There is one problem: I am having difficulty reading the name of the justice of the peace and his signature. The document comes from the reimbursement claim for Rufus D. Stephens who served in a War of 1812 unit from Ontario County, New York. The original documents are only in paper format at the National Archives.

Any thoughts?


  1. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Could it be Saml Lott?

  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    To me, it looks like Samuel Jett Esq at the top of the document, and Saml Jett J P at the bottom.

  3. I thought it could be Jett or Lott as well for the last name. I'm still working on it.
