03 September 2012

With a membership to this website, you can dig into your history without having to learn much at all about genealogy.

That quote from a recent review of Ancestry.com on PC Magazine just about says it all.

"With a membership to this website, you can dig into your history without having to learn much at all about genealogy. "

Huh? Let's do things without learning anything about them. How's that for a great way to approach life? That mindset along, approaching things without learning about them, is the root cause of 99% of the problems in this country in the first place and something as an educator I find pretty appalling.

Additional words elude me--well, actually they don't, but I am going to refrain.

I rarely read reviews of genealogical sites, books, etc. written by non-genealogists.  With all due respect to the author of this piece, they simply don't have the requisite background to adequately review the material being reviewed. There's a reason you don't see reviews of database programs, website development programs, and the like on this site. I know that I don't have the ability to review such things adequately.

I realize this review is written for the layman, but it seems to me that a piece could have been put together that wasn't overly technical and still didn't seem to make it quite so "easy."

I've included a link to the article so others can read it

Keep in mind that I use Ancestry.com quite a bit and really appreciate the materials that it gives me access to, but this piece is something else. 

I think I'm off to review some quilting sites. Stay tuned.


  1. Here's another quote from that article:

    "There's no need to dig around libraries and county halls anymore because Ancestry.com puts centuries of documents at your fingertips."

  2. That one is precious as well ;-)
