One of the families I worked on while in Salt Lake was that of James and Barbara Hodgson of Garthfoot, Castle Carrock, Cumberland, England. This entry comes from the 1764 register of that parish.
It actually is not all that difficult to read, but I still find the scan easier to use and the scans were definitely preferable for those entries that were not as legible as this one.
Margaret was married to John Watson and died in Castle Carrock in January of 1852 at the age of 88. It was known that she married John in Castle Carrock in 1789. The date of her marriage and birth originally came from the International Genealogical Index on FamilySearch, but I used that to search through the actual church records. Margaret's death in 1852 at the age of 88 allowed me to narrow in on a year of birth. Her maiden name was obtained in her marriage record, but there were several other families in Castle Carrock with the name of Hodgson.
Margaret Hodgson Watson is my wife's 4th great-grandmother.