I am currently working on my speaking schedule for 2009 and 2010. It is best to arrange dates as early as possible to provide flexibility.I would be happy to discuss the possibility of coming to present to your genealogy group or club for their workshop or seminar.
Genealogy workshops and seminars are great ways for members of your group to enhance their research skills and network with other genealogists. There is a world away from the computer.For more information on speaking availability, fees, expenses, and opportunities, send an email to me at michaeln2@winco.net.
Please indicate the potential date of the seminar, typical format, and general audience level. We can go from there.Lectures are informative, relaxed, and fun.Topics can be arranged and new lectures can be developed upon request.
I have presented over fifty all-day workshops across the United States on a wide variety of genealogy and computer genealogy topics. Some have been hands on all day workshops on Ancestry.com, Genline, Family Tree Maker. Others have been more traditional days of lectures and presentations on a wide variety of topics.
I have lectured for small and large groups including NGS and FGS conferences.A list of incomplete topics is available at http://www.rootdig.com/topics.html.
Most upcoming engagements are listed at http://www.rootdig.com/labels/speaking.html