I appreciate the support and emails I have received after I removed the "famous census" images from my site. So far Dick Eastman , Leland Meitzler, and Randy Seaver have commented on the issue. We may have some options, but for now things are where they were a few days ago. (Sue Kaufman, now at the Clayton Public Library, always chides me for speaking of myself as "we," but it continues...).
For now, I'm concentrating on my upcoming group trip to Salt Lake City--where I'm hoping to get some of my own research squeezed in while I am out there. I've been posted some ideas on my preparation and I'm hoping to have some results to report when I get back. Most of my problems (genealogy ones, that is) are not of the kind that can be solved in 5-second lookups, but I'm still hoping for that Eureka moment.
In the meantime, remember not everything we as genealogists need is online and that records that have not been microfilmed or digitzed should be are prime conservation priority (Union Civil War pensions are one huge set that comes to mind...)